Skimmer Choices


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yes... i know ... I know...

i shouldn't have sold my bubbleking haha

As it is, though, I'm in the market for a new skimmer for my build.

There have been a LOT of new entrances onto the market since I purchased a skimmer last... so...

In your opinion what is the best "for the money" skimmer / skimmer pump combo out there?

The build will be a total of only 100g, so nothing big is needed really.

Thanks for any advice...
I like my Vertex Omega 150 so far, but my tank has only a cleanup crew in it. Nevertheless, it can pull out some serious crud.
I know lots of ppl like vertex. They won't break the bank, but seem to be well made.

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I have a Skimz sm161 (rated up to 300 gallons) on my 120. It was kind of a pain to break in, but I guess all skimmers are. It's fairly easy to adjust and pulls junk out of the water, exactly as needed. The big seller for me is there are zero microbubbles coming out of the return, which is always nice.
The skimz are really getting some good reviews... Why is brs $100 cheaper than anywhere else on them?

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I don't know. I haven't compared prices across the line, but the skimmer that I got was $350 everywhere I looked. Maybe BRS has some sort of service agreement/stake in the company?
I love my Vertex Omega 150. Like you said, it won't break the bank but the quality is great. I went from the SRO2000 int to the Omega and the quality is so much better. It is very consistent on my 90g + 25g sump.
I have a bm curve 5 and an es5 (same skimmer with a sicce pump). For what I paid for both, I am very impressed.

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I skim pretty dry and that's about two days worth

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Fwiw, I also wanted jump on the skimz train, but the one I wanted was on back order for like two months, so I went with the bm

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I'm coming down from owning BubbleKing, so... sigh...

deep breaths ...

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Not as dark of skimmate as a couple days ago, but that was a day or two after cleaning the glass. Not much producing waste in the tank other than snails and crabs, but still pulling chunks. No bubbles either.