Skimmer Comparison Chart


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Well I submitted my skimmer chart from the Feb 07 meeting to RobbyG over at and he cleaned it up and posted it on his site.

Cameron, how does one calculate the actual rating as opposed to the advertised rating?
That's pretty cool. I still have my copy as well and used it right up to making my final decision. The only problem is the one I got wasn't on the chart. At least not in it's knock-off form, DAS EX-2.

Any reason why they didn't give you credit for the chart?
I did a lot of research and tried to find the highest number that people seemed to use that skimmer on. I threw out aberations both low and high. Some skimmers were estimated because I couldn't find anyone that used them.

DAS really wasn't on the radar a year ago when I made the chart. Orca skimmers aren't listed either. It needs an update, but for the most part a large number of the skimmers are covered.
wow cam nice job....thats for the little frags ;)..oh and hope you dont kill this mand.goby :roll: