Skimmer failure for 2 months, didn't know


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I have a Terminator II which does not have a collection cup. I clean it only during Christmas season as a present to my fish. Today Mr. Jeep9783 come to my house to get a frag of my stuff, asked me:" hey, whats wrong with your skimmer." I thought it was just the return pump being turned off since i'm doing plumbing. It was not the case, the dump hose nozzle on the top of the skimmer was clogged, and pressure was building up in the skimmer to the point that it does not work at all. Maybe this is why my nitrates and other things have come funny.

So make sure you check your skimmer hose so it don't get clogged!!! especially when your not using a waste cup. it skimmed out .25 gallons in 10 hours, and my nitrate was at 0 (big water change). Will post picture tomorrow.
very cool. I am glad you found out the problem! how are those frags doinf I traded u?
I traded you with gorganians right? all the frags are doing good, the one that looks a bit white need to keep an eye on, but i'm not sure you traded me that or no. i know the 2 grog i gave you should be doing great.
