Skimmer Feed Pump Calculations


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So I've been think'n I'm just not getting what I should be getting out of my Octopus DDNW-150 and I think it's because of the feed pump. Right now I using a Rio800 that is rated around 210GPH. I figure my tank has about 130 gallons of water volume. I have in my mind that your feed pump should be about 1.5 x water volume. That means I would need a pump pushing about 195gph to feed my skimmer.

Does anyone else have a rule of thumb for feed pumps like the 1.5xWV?
1X to 1.5X is recommended by most manufacturers. You need to consider the impact of head lose on a pump as small as the RIO so, although rated at 210 at 0 head, they drop pretty quickly with any pressure.
I just looked and it has about 1' of head loss and according to the webernet that gives me about 171gph. I might see if I have a little biger pump just to see if that helps any.