skimmer help


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i just got a used coralife superskimmer 65 and i am having a few issues, i also have an idea or two that i would like to run by everyone. i know since the skimmer hasn't been used for a while i am going to have a micro bubble issue it has lessened but still has some (started skimming yesterday afternoon). i also have an issue with bigger bubble that are being introduced to the tank, i know it wont hurt anything but i would like it to run smooth and silent. this skimmer is on a 29 gallon and the pump for the skimmer is so strong, i think i could get away with splitting the return line and taking out my powerheads. the back pressure might help with the big bubbles but i am unsure.
Do you have the bubble-diffuser box that hangs on the back of your tank (the output from the skimmer feed into it)?
no i didnt get that so i have diy it. but i did restricted the air flow on the out line by knotting a piece of tubing and covering the air-intake for the outline. but i am still wondering if you think i can use the skimmer as my main source of flow?
Ok, here's what i did to solve the micro-bubble issue until ti went away...

I got a bag of blue cut-to-size filter floss, and cut out a piece to fit in the sump-box and filter all water between the skimmer and my sump-pump, thereby trapping the microbubbles and preventing them from being blown out my sand-bed level water returns. Fortunately, my sump box's design happened to have been conducive to doing just this, but maybe this might work for you too. I actually leave the floss in all the time now, even though the bubbles aren't a problem... It's actually a piece of floss followed by a Polyfilter and then a piece of eggcrate to keep the whole arrangement vertical and off my Mag
Siege, that's a good idea. Try to duplicate that, photokid. And I think the little hole on the output needs to be uncovered for the skimmer to function correctly.
i will give it a shot, pet smart always seems to have filter-floss in the clearance bin. thanks for the tip i will keep every one informed if it works. S:
IMA be very carefull with restricting flow or adding back pressure to the super skimmers, they will overflow if backpressure is envolved. Try a google search for super skimmer mods which will help with that issue, if nothing comes up do a search on RC.
Thanks Bryan, I get good ideas sometimes. I'd had my skimmer sitting in my sump for sometime, hoping it would slime up a bit on it's own, which it did; problem was, it wasn't enough, and when it came time to need it it was still producing a fair amount of fine bubbles being blown all through my tank right from the level of the sand-bed. I was looking at my sump box and realized it had little acrylic slots in it the a piece of egg-crate fit in, and I had just</em> enough room to lide in the egg-crate and some filter-media inbetween the skimmer and Mag, if I angeled everything just so. Now it's doing a great job of making 100% certain that nothing fouls the mag and that all water absolutely must pass over my polyfilter. I don't know anything about "Superskimmers", but the air-line on my skimmer sits well up above the water-line... As I understand it, it's supposed to be able to pull in air to mix into the venturi and cause the bubbling/frothing action that pulls the protein up out of the water.