Skimmer Opinion


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So I think I am gonna start looking for a new skimmer for my 90 gallon. I have a Lifereef skimmer now for the last 1 1/2 years and I think its time to upgrade.

So the question is what are some great skimmers for the money? Each person should list 1 skimmer and the reason for it.
A friend of mine ran a ASM G-3 on a 210 gallon tank, with a 75 gallon sump. And it was working really hard. He originally ran it on a 75.

Another friend ran a 120 with an ASM G-2 and it was pulling some gunk.

But then also look at a Salt Water Creations MSX skimmer. It's huge but it does an awesome job.

I know that's 3, but they are all good skimmers.
Its on marine solutions website, looks exactly like the octopus and even has the same SWC badge as my octo200. Same company. At any rate, they are pretty sweet and pull some impressive numbers stock. I've been tinkering around the idea of selling my recirc 200 and getting one of those MSX, but i think I'm going to play around with my octo a little more to see what it can really do :)
This is a tough one because of the number of really good skimmer available these days. Personally, I would make a list of the things YOU want from a skimmer. Once you have that in place, see which of the available skimmers come closest to meeting your needs. All the skimmers mentioned will do the job but, like everything, each has it's pros and cons.
Ok this might narrow it down for people. I run the present skimmer outside the sump. I dont have enough room in the sump. I have about 24'' to play with but I need a smaller footprint. I need a skimmer that just skimms like a workhorse. So whatcha got for me?
Unfortunately, all of those mentioned so far, with the exception of the DAS, are in-sump skimmers, so unless you are willing to make some room, that lets them out. Is the 24" the height you have to work with? What's the maximum footprint you could have (L X W)? Another thing to consider might be to upgrade the pump and/or venturi on your current skimmer.
Heres a pic of the skimmer I have now. It seemed to work great but then less and less nasty yuck in the cup. maybe like 10''x10'' is the most I have a Co2 tank and reactor under with it. 26" to fully work with to the top of the cabnet. 24'' considering removing the cup.
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What pump are you currently using to "drive" the skimmer? Upgrading that venturi to a mazzei and a small pressure rated pump would make your Lifereef work more effectively. 10 X 10 is a pretty small footpring for an external skimmer. Is that including any pumps?
I am very happy with my mr-2 although it is power hungry it is the best skimmer I have owned. The only other skimmer I may consider is one of bretts dart needle wheel skimmers.
Where do you even find MSX skimmers? I cant find a website/retailer.
The MSX is sold several places I have only made purchases from premium aquatics.

I would say DAS, Euro Reef,H&S, Deltec all have good recirculating skimmers with no modding needed. Just depends how much you have to spend and if you don't mind having to modify it. If they fix all the problems with the octo pro line which I think they have I may try it. I like needle wheels more than mesh wheels. They are suppose to be coming out with an external but I would not buy a first edition of any skimmer.JMO



What do you guys think about the Sicce pumps? Seems to have a lowe power consumption and size, but performance?
The Sicce's are very good, reliable pumps. They can, however, only be used for in sump skimmers as they don't do well out of water (so you can't use them with recirculating skimmers unless you plan to run them in sump). The issues that people have had with the pumps are the result of using them with mesh. The trick with mesh wheels is making sure you have them properly balanced (which is an art in itself) and that you don't impede the movement by having too much mesh. When this isn't done properly, the pumps will have problem restarting. I've never heard of them having any problem using a needlewheel.
Will, if you are going external, and you are willing to get a big pump and do some maintenance, you wont go wrong with a MRC beckett skimmer. Everyone is high on the needlewheel skimmers nowadays, because they are pretty maintenence light, but they cost a ton, and are no more productive than a clean becketts. I happen to fall on the other side of the fence and will stick with the becketts skimmer, because I like cleaning it, etc.
Hey do you have a link for the MRC becket skimmer you are talking about.