Skimmer Opinions


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Alright, I have been see-sawing back and forth on a skimmer for my new build.
The tank volume is around 140g, but will have a total system volume of around 200g when accounting for plumbing, sump, and a small frag tank. The tank will be a mixed reef.

I have an Aqua C EV180 skimmer with the upgraded 1" jet nozzle, but I am thinking that it may be a little small for this system, as well as a bit outdated technology wise. I know that there is better skimmer tech in some of the newer skimmers, but I am wondering if I will really see that much of a difference in performance.

Any thoughts.

If buying new, I will want to run an external unit, so have been looking at different external skimmers out on the market. Do not want a Beckett skimmer, due to the maintenance. Will want a needle wheel setup just seem to be less of a hassle. Been looking at Skimz SK 202, Reef Octo SRO 2000EXT, MRC Orca Pro 1, & RLSS R8-E. They all look good on paper, but is there that much difference between the models? Should I just be looking at price when in this price range? Opinions, Experience?

I would really like input from those that have run some of the above, not just opinions based on what you have read in an article or advertisement.
budget will dictate a LOT in this situation. And yes, there can be MASSIVE differences in skimmer quality / effectiveness.

I've had AquaC, Octopus, Euroreef, and the like, out of those the ER was the best.

THEN I moved up to a bubble king. COMPLETELY different planet. Built better, easier to maintain / clean and completely silent with NO micro bubbles.

If you have a little budget wiggle room you may keep your eyes open for a used BKMini200 or something.

Just my opinion.
out of the skimmers you actually listed, I would feel better about the MRC
SnowManSnow;956984 wrote: out of the skimmers you actually listed, I would feel better about the MRC

That was what I was thinking most would say.
I will check out the BKmini.
I just started running the pro2 a month ago. Great skimmer. Hard to beat the reeflo pump. Great customer service if u need it. Def a set it and forget it skimmer.
atmercure;957019 wrote: I just started running the pro2 a month ago. Great skimmer. Hard to beat the reeflo pump. Great customer service if u need it. Def a set it and forget it skimmer.

That is exactly what I have heard from others. I really do want one that is reliable and easy to maintain. Other than cleaning, really want to avoid having one that I have to fiddle with all of the time. Plus, when in this tier of skimmers, seems like you get a lot bang for the buck compared to the bubble kings and vertex models.

I will have to research the ATB skimmers.

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Unfortunately I think you would be at the bare minimum for a Pro 1. MRC I think understates their performance while most of the others greatly overstate. If setting up another larger tank 400 gallons plus I'd through the Pro 1 with out question.

I'm voting Octopus for the value, production and appropriate size.
DawgFace;957043 wrote: Unfortunately I think you would be at the bare minimum for a Pro 1. MRC I think understates their performance while most of the others greatly overstate. If setting up another larger tank 400 gallons plus I'd through the Pro 1 with out question.

I'm voting Octopus for the value, production and appropriate size.

You really think the Orca Pro I will be too big for my setup?:sad:
ghbrewer;957097 wrote: You really think the Orca Pro I will be too big for my setup?:sad:

Yes, but I subscribe firmly with appropriately sizing skimmers. I think people throw the largest skimmer possible thinking they will error on the side of more is better. End result is inefficiency made worse because the hobbyst typical refuses to look at the obvious, or not so. Also, the Pro 1 and the SRO2000 are not even close to the same ballpark as far cababilities. I think you'd be pleased with the SRO2000 or more appropriately sized the SRO3000.

In any event what ever direction you choose make sure your skimmer is producing appropriately for your stock level and feeding regiment. If not likely you've set it wrong or you've under/over sized the skimmer from the start.
I am following your thought pattern, was just thinking that it would be a skimmer that I could grow into, with more tanks at a later time. I agree that the SRO2000 or 3000 would be more appropriately sized on the get go, but more likely need to be upgraded upon incorporating more/larger tanks. Don't get me wrong, I like saving as much green as possible. I was just trying to think forward.

P.S. MRC lists the skimmer for btwn. 100 and 500 gallons.
Should I maybe consider keeping the EV-180 until I add a frag tank or others?
ghbrewer;957159 wrote:
P.S. MRC lists the skimmer for btwn. 100 and 500 gallons.

Yea I know, I certainly think it will skimmer and likely will skim enough, just not optimal.

Keep in mind what I said earlier. I firmly believe over skimming creates inefficiency. There are just as many of the opposite belief that you can't over do a skimmer.
Can't overdue a skimmer. A 650hp car is very inefficient, but dang, it's fun driving and the power is always there if you need it!
I ran an SRO3000 on my ~200g twv system. Ended up running a Pro II on it. Night and day. PH levels average much higher with the bigger skimmer and I can maintain ORP levels that most only dream of WITH ozone. I don't run my ozone generator because I don't need it.
With any key pieces of equipment though, you're only as strong as your weakest link. If your lighting, flow, or dosing can't match the performance of your skimmer, you won't reap all the benefits.
Seth The Wine Guy;957187 wrote: Can't overdue a skimmer. A 650hp car is very inefficient, but dang, it's fun driving and the power is always there if you need it!
I ran an SRO3000 on my ~200g twv system. Ended up running a Pro II on it. Night and day. PH levels average much higher with the bigger skimmer and I can maintain ORP levels that most only dream of WITH ozone. I don't run my ozone generator because I don't need it.
With any key pieces of equipment though, you're only as strong as your weakest link. If your lighting, flow, or dosing can't match the performance of your skimmer, you won't reap all the benefits.

Got to agree. Check out the videos that Jeff puts out about skimmers with reef dynamics."></a>

One of the first things he mentions is buying the biggest you can fit and afford.
Seth The Wine Guy;957187 wrote: I ran an SRO3000 on my ~200g twv system.

Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is a TWV system?
Or more precisely, what is TWV?