Skimmer performance enhancements


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Yesterday I had to consider buying a larger tank than I am planning for and started to consider how to upgrade my brand new, never seen water, skimmer so that it could handle more water volume. (I am not going larger).

Then I started to read about neck extensions. Now I want to see if my interpretation is right.

All things held constant, adding an extension increases the back pressure on the pump and therefore decreases performance? (Whether the decrease outweighs the increase is not what I care to argue.)

If so, would I increase the depth of the water for my skimmer to sit in by 3" if I added a 3" extension? In other words, instead of it sitting in 8" of water, increase the water level to 11". It seems that doing so would maximize the efficiency: extra dwell time, and no more back pressure on the pump (probably less).

Thanks for the help!
Are you just trying to go deeper? If so, put it on a stand. I am currently running both. My depth was way to deep for the SRO3000. I purchased the stand from RO. Well worth the price. I built one first.... Then purchased, should have bought it at the start.... I also have a 3" extension. I did the extension for dwell time and adjustability. I was still almost wide open on the gate valve. Between the 2, I now have no issues... Knock on wood...
Just exploring upgrade options. I read a few threads discussing how an extension hampers the pumps performance. I never saw anyone quantify it, the difference could be marginal and be outweighed by the extra dwell time.

I am just trying to understand the theory.
I run a 3" ext. neck on my RO and plan on adding a second, haven't had any issues.
If you don't increse the water level in the body, it just take longer for the foam to get up to the cup (dwell time) and just skims thicker then wet.
The gate valve will allow the same amount of water in the body with or with out an ext. neck on it, so the water weight in the body is exactly what it was speced for even the back pressure when the chamber is maxed out with the gate valve closed as needed.
Hey Jeff,

Please explain the Soda lime and charcoal, please....
nickg;1025843 wrote: Hey Jeff,

Please explain the Soda lime and charcoal, please....

It's basically an air scrubber, that filters the air going in to the air intake on the skimmer.
Brs has an air filter canister ( for example), you can put both products in one canister or one each and air out would go to the skimmers air in.
Bcavali had a thread about the whole thing somewhere on here, I'll see if I can find it.
nickg;1025843 wrote: Hey Jeff,

Please explain the Soda lime and charcoal, please....

Found something....
another good write up..."></a>

If I remember right, there was a battle of the DIY'ers in a contest where Jeff did one of these and Rich made an ATO.
Yep, Jeff did a smack down on Rich and walked away with a nice prize from the ARC.

Good times
Just to clarify, the Jeff in the article that I referred to was"><span style="color: black">JeF4y</span></a>

not Jeff ( aka porpoiseaquatics).

It gets confusing around here sometimes.
Sewer Urchin;1025851 wrote: another good write up..."></a>

If I remember right, there was a battle of the DIY'ers in a contest where Jeff did one of these and Rich made an ATO.
Yep, Jeff did a smack down on Rich and walked away with a nice prize from the ARC.

Good times

Jeff cheated. LOL. I hadn't planned on taking part but I couldn't let him win by default so I presented with no preparation. :-)

OK, he beat me fair and square with a great idea that many use.
I run one neck extension and will be adding more (I believe up to 4 can be added). I did notice that it was much easier to fine tune the skimmer and I seem to get more bubble action than without the extension. I can't comment on the science behind it or even if it's more or less effective. But, it seemed to help.

I run soda lime in an air filter to the skimmers air intake and it has increased my ph level. It helped minimize my ph swing over night and when I installed it, I saw an increase in my ph levels by about a .10. I was having low ph issues at the time and Professor Jenn ;) wisely pointed out to me not to chase the numbers. But, I knew I needed more oxygen in my system at the time. Just my 2 cents.
MYREEFCLUB0070;1025844 wrote: It's basically an air scrubber, that filters the air going in to the air intake on the skimmer.
Brs has an air filter canister ( for example), you can put both products in one canister or one each and air out would go to the skimmers air in.
Bcavali had a thread about the whole thing somewhere on here, I'll see if I can find it.

What he said!
well, when all is said and done, I'll add a neck extension. I'll probably add the soda lime also because I'm a reef junkie like that.
I would like to see some reefer picts of their air filter setups....
JBDreefs;1025964 wrote: well, when all is said and done, I'll add a neck extension. I'll probably add the soda lime also because I'm a reef junkie like that.

John, if you need soda lime I have plenty. I'll give you enough to get started.
Bcavalli;1025978 wrote: John, if you need soda lime I have plenty. I'll give you enough to get started.

Appreciate that Brett, the next time I come over to buy some coral, I will take you up on that!