Skimmer Question


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Smyrna, GA
<span style="color: black;">Some of you may know about my tanks pH issue I've been trying get under control for a few months now. I know many of you recommended kalk but I'm very concerned about dosing kalk into a 10g at the moment.</span>
<span style="color: black;">(If you are not having pH problems and think you can help with my question, skip the next paragraph. I only wrote it because I know people search our forums for help so I wanted this to be available.)</span>

<span style="color: black;">I continued searching for other methods to stabilize the pH, since it seems closely related to the tank inability to convert CO2 after the light turns off. At one point I even tried running a desk lamp to light a small amount of macro I had sitting in the back corner of the tank (failed attempt). I watched my pH drop to some harmful levels and almost lost a few coral frag so I went back to using chemicals to maintain it. One day I decided to open up the windows to get some fresh air in since I know that the CO2 build up in our home wouldn't help the tank. After one hour the pH began to climb at a faster rate than it normally would during the photo period which was great but it would still drop too low at night. After a couple weeks I decided to open up the windows at night and bingo my pH was stable for a full 24hr period for the first time.</span>

<span style="color: black;">Now here's where I need help. During this pH battle I added a Prism skimmer to the tank. I only added the skimmer to help oxygenate the water but it's performing far better at removing organic matter than I expected. Unfortunately unless I leave the windows open at night it's only injecting air that already too much CO2 for the pH to stabilize. I want to run the air intake outside if possible but I have concerns about the distance the hose will need to be and what can I use to filter the air coming in. I don't want to restrict the airflow to the point where the skimmers performance is affected. Can this be done with the Prism skimmer or and I out of luck?</span>
I have been running a nano (12 gal) for over a year with no problmes. I added a Aqua C Nano (2 months or so after I got the tank) skimmer and have a hang on back filter both give enough flow for the tank. I have always used the Part A and Part B for a Nano tank and it keeps the Ph stable for me. It also keeps it simple. PH has always been stable enough. It will always go down a little a night but no problems with corals. I had it packed with lps and softies before I set up my 90 tank. Just my two cents worth.
Are you running some type of pH monitor on that tank? Buffer alone isn't doing the job for me. My issue seems to be CO2. We never have the windows open, but it seems like I have to leave the window by the tank open everynight to get my pH stablized.
Showtime305;58985 wrote: <span style="color: black;"> I want to run the air intake outside if possible but I have concerns about the distance the hose will need to be and what can I use to filter the air coming in. I don't want to restrict the airflow to the point where the skimmers performance is affected. Can this be done with the Prism skimmer or and I out of luck?</span>

Interesting idea. I think you can do that, no problem. Just oversize the air tubing (maybe to even 1/2" vinyl tubing) so you won't have any restriction on the flow. You could add a filter if you want to- I would definitely use a screen to keep bugs out.

Let us know how this works.
The hose running into the skimmer needs to be 1/4", so do you think 1/2" would be big enough? Does anyone know where I can find a 1/2" TO 1/4" airline tube converter? What is the best filter to use? I was thinking some type of screen and carbon. I'm concerned about unknowns in the air outside getting into my closed system.
I just check the ph occassionally at different times. I do have a small amount of cheato in the tank to help with nitrates. Never lost a coral at all. Must have had 8-9 corals in there earlier on and they grew. One hammer grew from one head to 3 heads before I moved it to the big tank. I try to keep it simple. I am very religious about water changes of 2 gallons per week in a ten gallon with only a pm shrimp, percula and pajama cardinal for fish. What you are doing might work for you.
Running the airline outside shouldn't be an issue. Another thought might be to use an air pump and force the air to the skimmer, if you have concerns about restrictions. Most have filters built into them.
Do you think I could use 1/4" all the way with and air pump? The run to the window is about a 30ft run to the window.
I found this article to be helpful."></a>

I've decided that if I'm my airline method doesn't work I'm setting up a tent outside for my wife and child.:bubba: