Skimmer question


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I have an Eshopps 120 cone skimmer that is acting funny and I would appreciate some insight from others who may know what's happening. The skimmer runs great until I cut it off. Once off, it does not want to re-start. To get it to start, I have to lift it out of the sump and let the water drain out to they level of the top of the pump. Then voila - it starts. It is a year old and I have cleaned it with vinegar solution. The cleaning did not help and it really didn't look bad. Is this typical for a sump skimmer, and if not, is this a prelude to the pump's death?
Hey Kevin, have you pulled the impeller to make sure that there isn't anything caught in there?
The same thing was happening to mine, I took it apart and cleaned everything and now it works fine
I'd clean it up and see what happens
I thought I cleaned it well but maybe I didn't. I did not see a way to get to the impellers but I'll try cleaning it again. Maybe I missed something.
The volute should twist off and give you access to the impeller assembly. It may be a little tough to twist, just be sure to be careful not to apply too much pressure. Same applies when pulling the impeller out.
you have to take off the 4 thumb screws and take the body of the skimmer off ( don't forget to pull off the venturi ). After that you should have full access to the pump. if you weren't so far away i'd come show you lol
Thanks for pitching in to help out. It's working like it is supposed to again. I really appreciate the quick help.