skimmer questions


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The chamber on my skimmer looks like it is not producing a lot of bubbles. Only the top half of the skimmer is filling with bubbles the bottom half is just clear water. the pump is open all the way and the water level is just below the collection cup. Any ideas?
What kind of skimmer do you have? Have you checked your venturi inlet (where the air enters) for clogs? The bottom portion of the skimmer should be free from bubbles, but usually it's only the bottom 1/4 to 1/3. How long has your skimmer been running?
It is a coralife super skimmer 65. and it has been running for about a day and a half or so. I know it has a break in time but the book said only about 24 hours I will try and get a pic up later tonight
Have you tried slowing down the water outflows?.Sometimes doing that will give more time for the bubble to rise up into the chamber. In addition, you can adjust the air coming into the pump itself.
Also, make sure that the top of the pump is no more than 4 inches below the surface of the water. Any deeper, and the pump will struggle to suck enough air down.
try taking the air silencer off, it looks like a gray film canister - do that see what happens, i took mine of my css 65 and it worked
yeah after some one said that the air intake may be clogged, the silencer fell in the water and has been louder after that. Could it have some salt build up on it after just one quick dunk in the water?
There's a very good chance it could. No matter what the book says some skimmers can take several weeks to break in completely.
here are some pictures. also the silencer is not working very well any thing i can do there.

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and the foam is very wet, is that just because it is not broken in yet

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this is not great picture but hopefully it will help you help me
i like to keep it at where the red ring is, but just go read the manuel and it should tell you.
the book said to keep it at the red ring but when doing that it was not producing an skimmate. It has only been running for about 2 days now is it just too early. when i got up this morn. there was some gunk in the cup it was very wet and that is with the water level where it is.
My Deltec produced big bubbles for the first few days and ran wet until it broke in. I wouldn't do many adjustments until you are sure it's broken in. To see if the silencer is causing a problem remove it for an hour or so and see if anything changes. While you have the silencer off you may want to run some warm RO/DI through the airline. This will help clean out any salt that may be blocking the nipple. I'm not familiar with the silencer on the CSS; can you clean it out? If not you can make one out of PVC or an empty 35mm film canister (do they even have those anymore? :) ) and stuff it with cotton.
it all depends on how you want to skim wet or dry? two different styles not saying weather one is better than the other. the higher the water is in your skimmer the wetter the foam or skimmate.
That picture shows your SS working as intended. Matter of fact yours is bubbling really well.

I keep my bubbles just a touch above the red ring. Trust me this thing will produce the skimate your looking for in a little while. They may be small/entry level type skimmers but they work **** good.
can you open the silencer on the SS it is now the loudest part of my system and with all i went through to get it not sounding like a water fall i would really like it if i could clean it out or make a new on ( is there a thread or website that shows how to do that)
Did it seem to change the air level inside the skimmer? To make a silencer you could just make one with some 1 1/2" or 2" PVC. Put caps on each end and fill with filter floss. Drill holes in one end to allow the air in and drill one hole on the other end to fit the airline to go to the skimmer. Hope that makes sense.