Skimming ?


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Hi everyone, I was wondering what style of skimming you do, wet vs dry? Does either have an advantage of another? Can one have better success at removing nitrates? Thanks for the info
Wet removes more but also more salt water ... So top off eventually can throw off your SG. Gotta keep an eye on it.

I'm a little in the middle as a feed a lot but also trying to drive nutrients up a bit as well... But don't want high phosphates. Id say I'm in the middle
I skim very dry, I end up catching more as solids in the neck of the skimmer as opposed to in the cup, but as Tony said, I'm hesitant to throw off my SG with wet skimming
I'm in the middle also. Sometimes when my socks start to slowly clog it will wet skim a little and I know it's time to change the sock. Normally every 3-5 days. If my nitrates go over 2 I may tweak it a little to the wet side.
I wet skim because of the kind of skimmer I have works better when I do it that way.
I used to skim wet but my skimmer (RO 110 NBW) is skimmimg great right now at a thick, black not so wet skim.
i usually skim on the dry side. like the others said it keeps you from throwing your salinity.
Thanks for this post. Now I know that I dry skim since I'm cleaning the dark green remnants of Yoda out of the neck of the skimmer cup every week.