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Please help this dummy. How do I hook the sl2v2.I got theRKL.Then i need to hook up the float switch. But for now.
Dose the business go from the sl2v2 to the pc4.Wish there was a video, but could not find one.Thanks
Ok....can't really understand what you are trying to do but let me see if I can simplify it for you. From the RKL....the cord out of this needs to go to the first bus of a module. It doesn't matter which one but I personally run all of my PC4's first. So in that case....RKL out to a PC4 in (bus 1). PC4 out to the SL2 in (bus 1). If you have other pieces of equipment, it follows the same logic. In then Out. You can find directions on Digital Aquatics web page.
Thanks Jeff.When it comes to this stuff,I retarded. Sorry but true.Yes thats what i needed.When it comes to my temp probe, can it plug into the slv2 other business end.Because my probe has that type of end.
Not to highjack the tread, but you just taught me something by accident, Jeff (assuming I am understanding what you said correctly)! I didn't know that the temp probe I got from you a while back can be used in the bus port as well, so now I can run a temp probe in the tank and in the sump. Awesome!

IMay1280;1025903 wrote: Not to highjack the tread, but you just taught me something by accident, Jeff (assuming I am understanding what you said correctly)! I didn't know that the temp probe I got from you a while back can be used in the bus port as well, so now I can run a temp probe in the tank and in the sump. Awesome!


Yep...the head unit should pick both of them up.
Good news,and bad news.Took me awhile to get the float switch programed,setting the alarm was easy. The pc4,not at all,it didn't match up when following videos. But after hitting button after button. It works.I wouldn't know how to do it again is the bad news.The RKL is the 2.0,about 5 yrs old.Should i try to update it.I have a sid2 cable.
You should've updated everything to the newest firmware BEFORE installing and programming. That could be why the PC4 was a problem. Generally it's one of the easiest components to program. The other thing to look for is corroded ends on the bus cables. The bus is very finicky and doesn't do well when there is corrosion present.
Thanks,I bought the basic rkl kit new 4 to 5 yrs ago,But its not been to close to water,in fact it looks new.Only piece added was a new sl2v2. Should i still update,if so how."Stop laughing."
All your other components need to be updated. The SL2 probably already has the newest firmware on it. In order to update the pieces, you'll need MyReef2.0 downloaded from Digital Aquatics. Once you do that, all you do is connect the SID2.0 to a USB port, connect it to the piece to be updated and the rest is pretty easy.

If you want to wait, I'll be in Seneca on business this coming Monday night. I can update it for you but you'd have to bring it all to me.
Thanks Jeff,I think i can do it.Need to tell you all what happened. My first almost big disaster. My first day with float switch hooked up. (Only one).My resoveior had 7gal ro/di.water.My sump chamber with float switch was working fine.Came home at lunch time,there was no water in my resoveior. Checked my sump,there it was.All 7 gal in . Didn't change my saltinty much.1.025 to 1.023.My total volume of water is 140 gal.I believe i found the problem, had 4 snails in sump,one was with in a few inches of float switch.Im very slowly going to bring it back up for the nest day or 2.My acros are ok.Thats all i need to know to make me happy. You might of heard the saying "If Moma's Happy ,Everyone 's Happy".
In my house its" Acros Happy I'm Happy"
James...that is common if you have snails in your sump. They can affect the float switch. Another thing to watch for is gravity feeding from the reservoir. If you are pumping up and out of a large reservoir down into a sump, what happens is once the pump stops...the water continues to trickle in because it has created a vacuum. Two ways to stop it...a check valve is one way and the other is to make sure that the end of the supply hose from the reservoir is never below water level so when it stops, it draws air. I made that mistake once.....only once. Dumped about 12g in my sump.
Thanks Jeff . I'm sure it was the snail. Took them out.Good info on the feed tube going into the sump.Mine is higher,Just for that reason.Im getting ready to hook up my DP4 dosing pump.I sure hope this is easy. I'm going out of town Monday to NY,will be gone for a week.Thats why I'm getting this set up.