Smallest tank for a Tang?

Depends on the Tang.. A convict should be ok in a 55 gal. But I would not go any tank under 48" for any tang. 60" would be ideal starting point for most full sized tangs. (I say this and I have a yellow who seems quite happy in my 55 gal... so it will work but I have read about alot of behavior issues as they get bigger)
i think you can get away with a 55-60 if you get a tomini tang or some ting in that family ...maybe evven a yellow tang
I had a small yellow tang and a tomini tang in my 54...they were happy and healthy...
well, i have a yellow tang and Powder Brown tang and I kinda want to put them in my 60g cube? What do you think?
Sprayin70;131920 wrote: 24x24x24 right? No tangs for you. LOL

24x24 ? As much as I bend rules I dont know if Id do it in a 24" maybe a juvy tang KNOWING youll be letting it go in the future...but thats just me..
i have a yellow in my 55 long... he will be getting a new home in a couple weeks upgraded to a 75
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i've herd people putting juvi tangs 1.5" and smakker in smaller tanks but you would need to take it out when it gets much bigger.
I have a 3.5-4" regal in a 65 tall and i'm planning on going to a 90 just for the tang. I'm working on growing some coral/stocking and then it's 90g time.

If you get a small regal they will be fine in a smaller tank for a while, depending on feeding they should stay small for a year or two. After that though they are going to need some roaming room and 1/4 mile drag strips.
Yup I am going to have to upgrade my 65 soon for my Regal also.....thats alot of $$ for a fish, I don't spend that much on my wife!
Yeah I had a 1" regal in a 26 for a year with no issues. But, it gave me an excuse to upgrade.
You opened it man. There is always at least the three people you always hear in this conversation:

Newbie: "I once had a 6" purple tang in a nano cube once and it was the happiest fish I have ever seen. I have also heard hundreds of other success stories to back this up!"

Tang Police: "Thou shalt never ever put a tang in anything smaller than the Ocean Voyager at the Georgia Aquarium. They are open water swimmers and can swim up to 158 miles per day in the open water. Would you keep a pony in a closet? That is just cruel?"

Rationalist: "I mean sure I only have a 37 corner NOW. I only have a tiny tang now. It is fine. When it gets bigger I will upgrade. It will be a good excuse. What? No, of course I really will. Why wouldn't I drop an extra few grand just for one fish? Promise!"

Next topic will be "I just got a flame angel and he isn't picking at my corals!" or "Just added a trigger to the reef. What is all the fuss about?" or "Should I add a Sea Apple?"
I kept a tang in a 55g and for the first few months he looked great, but after about 2 months he became less active. He also went from eating a sheet of Nori(sp?) a day to hardly touching it. I gave him to a freind that had a 200+ gallon tank and almost over night he turned back into the fish I first baught. Just my 2 cents, but as for me I would not keep a tang in that small of a tank, but that is just from my own experience.
Bottom line...Make good, sound, rational decisions for your reef..Im sorry but ask a question, get 10 opinions...thing is they all can be right :)

I put em all in a hat and pick blindly ;) Oh wife puts in her 99 cents too :)
40g with the perfect design I think. If you have a square tank with a center overflow (24"x24"x18") the tang will pretty much have 2' times 4 sides of swimming area. I wouldn't put a large tang in, but given that is more horizontal swimming room than a 6' tank I think he would be fine. I think a 30" or 36" center overflow would be more swimming room than my 6' tank.
They put wales in a fish tank now-a-days so your tang would be just fine Chris!