Snail babies


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In my 12 gal I have @10 snails of different types turbo,vibex, and others. Today I noticed on the glass 2 very small snails that looks like Turbo/Astrea Snails, my question is how do they reproduce and how long does it take?

Also those snails,the large ones, ride around with each other alot so are they just riding or are they reproducing when they do that?
just dim your tank to the moonlights and put on some Barry Manilow--let nature takes its course-lol
I see what looks like baby astreas fairly often. Usually they disappear pretty quickly but this time they hung around (been there for about 3 weeks) but they are taking their time growing.
i have had some for 5 months or so in my refugium. they grow to about 1/2" -5/8" in dia and thats about it. I still dont no what they are.
I'm cycling my tank as we speak and while getting some LR from Sal he tossed in a few snails and crabs.

Yesterday, I saw a spec on the front glass sooooo small I needed a magnifying glass to see what it was -- it was a snail. Probably came from the LR somewhere -- can't imagine any "breeding" going on in my tank!