Snail Problem


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Lately my aquarium has become over run with small white snails. I haven't added any new rock, fish or coral in 9 months. Does anyone know if there is any clean up crew that will help control them?
Over feeding is usually the cause of over snail population and it would die back down when they eat them selves out of food, cut back your feeding for a few day, it'll be fine.
Do they look like this?...
I have a pest trap you can borrow if it's worth it to you to make the drive to get it.
They're tiny little white ones with snail-looking shells. Francisco, I don't think they are as big as the ones in your link and the shell isn't shaped the same. I'll try to get some pictures to post, but they are really tiny.

One thing that's different in the past month or two is that my emerald crabs decided out of the blue that they hated other emerald crabs and killed each other. I haven't replaced them. Maybe I should. I'll try feeding them less as well - I've traveled a lot lately and they may have been overfed while I was gone.

Thanks for the offer Terry. They're easy enough to pull off the glass with a net lined with a coffee filter - just a nuisance that keep multiplying.
Probably Colonista snails. Pretty harmless. I used to have a bunch in one of my tanks. I'm not sure if they population thinned out on their own or my wrasse got them.
Ringo®;1025902 wrote: Probably Colonista snails. Pretty harmless. I used to have a bunch in one of my tanks. I'm not sure if they population thinned out on their own or my wrasse got them.

+1. Had a bunch until I got a melanerus. 100s gone in a couple of days.
Wrasses will take out snails. So will hawkfishes. They will take out your desirable inverts too, however.
