Snail Tale

michael grady

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So.....I have a tread on the large tank forum called Need help with 500 gallon system.

This is my third reef and it is a 400 gallon display with a 100 gallon sump and all the bells and toys: Apex with all the add ons, large calcium reactor, large GFO and Carbon actors, chiller, UV light, T5 lights, Halides, and LEDs. Its a pretty fun setup and had a large room dedicated to runnning it.

The trouble is, I couldn't keep anything alive (at least not the sPs that I have been hoping for). Seriously...I's been very frustrating. I had several folks out who are in the business and have spoken with other experts on the phone, and have posted to this group and RC. I have spent at least two grand on corals that just die in a few days.

I was getting very close to tearing it all down and starting over. I was pretty convinced I had some sort of contaminants in my system. I even sent water off to one of those testing companies. 13 tests...all was perfect.

a few weeks ago i started having some brown algae on my rocks and glass so i ordered some Mexican Turb snails over the net. They arrived and the next day they were dead. Hmmm...maybe shipping?

So I went to Pure Reef and bought a large day...dead. Now it has my attention.

Back to Pure Reef and bought for more. Next day, one is dead...the other three are looking like they wished they were. Anyway, I called and talked with Jorge and he suggested I bring the live ones back to him and bring some water for testing.

He looks puzzled as he tests;

Nitrates zero
pH 8.3
KH 7

I also had just tested at home:

Ca 425
Mg 1200
temp 78

then.....he puts a drop of water on his refractometer, "there's your problem!!". "What?" " You have no salt in your system. Your SG is 1.016!!!"

It turns out I have had faulty conductivity probe on my Apex and I mistakely calibrated my hydrometer with the solution used to calibrate the apex probe (I missed that fine print).

It takes a BUNCH of salt to raise SG from 1.016 to 1.026 in 500 gallons of water!

So a couple retrospective observations (aide from the obvious)

the little crabs and critters were probably doing well in my system since they come from tidal pools and are used to swings in temp and salinity.

the fish did "ok" nice they were acclimated slowly and can handle that low salinity.

the Mexican Turbo snail just went into shock (i think they come from deeper water). Incidentally the one I brought back to George he put into a QT and they are climbing allover the glass. He sent me home with two new one and they are climbing about my tank (now with the SG corrected.

Had I broken the system down...I would have had the exact same issue and not have known it.

I don't think I was skimming as well with that low of an SG ( not sure about that one)

I always had trouble getting the Mg level it is through the roof with the SG corrected. I'alike to understand that correlation.

Three cheers to George and Pure Reef!!!

So, that's my Snail Tale.

I'll leave it to you guys to come up with the motto of the story...

Glad you figured it out, that is quite a tale. I am a long way from reaching that level of tank, but it almost sounds like a second apex, or at least a round of an alternate means of testing, would be good for a tank this size when there are problems
I love the title

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SaltWaterWannabe;1069777 wrote: Glad you figured it out, that is quite a tale. I am a long way from reaching that level of tank, but it almost sounds like a second apex, or at least a round of an alternate means of testing, would be good for a tank this size when there are problems
I love the title

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk

Yes, absolutely. I have a pin point salinity monitor on the way.
You will definitely have issues with a skimmer with salinity that low. I remember way back when I first got in the hobby I was super excited about my protein skimmer so i filled up the sink and let it run... "This looks absolutely nothing like the others ive seen - the bubbles are huge"

Turns out freshwater doesn't skim.
Glad you figured it out!!! I now how frustrating it can be (been there, done that, got several T-shirts to prove it). I'm also glad you didn't throw in the towel no matter how tempting (been there too after the loss of over $1,000 of fish in about 15 mins). It's a great hobby and you've found the right people (for the most part)!!
As I read that, "specific gravity" popped into my head. Yep, that will do it.

Sadly I've seen that happen before - faulty devices (or people who don't know they need to test - that's a whole other post...)

Glad you have it figured out. For any parameter it's good to have a reference or backup method to test.

Thanks everyone, for the good wishes. It's been very frustrating, and I'm greatful for the support.
Glad you figured it out, and for future reference, if you have to raise the salinity in the future, fish can't take a sudden spike in salinity, you need to raise it slowly.

Glad you stuck it out. You will be, too!
A few days ago I saw your other post again, was thinking of how frustrating it must be for you.
Congrats on sticking in there and figuring it out. Thanks for sharing!
Camellia;1070081 wrote: A few days ago I saw your other post again, was thinking of how frustrating it must be for you.
Congrats on sticking in there and figuring it out. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks! That's very kind.
Shrimpy Brains;1070024 wrote: Glad you figured it out, and for future reference, if you have to raise the salinity in the future, fish can't take a sudden spike in salinity, you need to raise it slowly.

Glad you stuck it out. You will be, too!

Yes, thanks. I raised it over a couple of days. Funny, the couple of pieces of coral that adapted to the 1.016 and now not very happy. Go figure.
JennM;1069966 wrote: As I read that, "specific gravity" popped into my head. Yep, that will do it.

Sadly I've seen that happen before - faulty devices (or people who don't know they need to test - that's a whole other post...)

Glad you have it figured out. For any parameter it's good to have a reference or backup method to test.


Thanks Jenn... If it was easy, everyone would do it, no? 😳
Bcavalli;1069824 wrote: Glad you figured it out. The Apex conductivity probes are famous for being off.

Well, I've ordered a second probe and a pinpoint. So between two probes, a refractometer, and a hygrometer, this should be solved.

If it can be screwed up - I'll find a way. 😜
JennM;1069966 wrote: As I read that, "specific gravity" popped into my head. Yep, that will do it.

Sadly I've seen that happen before - faulty devices (or people who don't know they need to test - that's a whole other post...)

Glad you have it figured out. For any parameter it's good to have a reference or backup method to test.


Thanks Jenn!

Am I remembering correctly that you used to have another aquarium store? And, do you now own the place near the airport ?