Snails infestation


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Suwanee, GA
I have around 20-30 tiny snails in my 5 gallon planted. They seem to be eating my plants so I would like to get rid of them ASAP. Does anyone have any solutions. Thanks a lot!

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I'm not a freshwater guy but I can tell you what I've found in my reef tanks. The overall population of colonista snails in both of my tanks seems to ebb and flow. Sometimes they reach plague levels and are everywhere. When this happens, I just manually remove all I can and the population just declines. Of course I've found that the population will typically decline regardless of what I do. With colonista's they don't really do any damage that I can tell. If your snail are damaging your other tank inhabitants the first step would be find out exactly what they are. Next figure out their food source and remove it if possible. All the while I'd be manually removing the dang things.
I will definitely look into getting some assassin snails. Thank you so much for the help everyone

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I am guessing they are Malaysian trumpet snails. Some people tend to overreact when they find them. They are no more harmful than a bristleworm in a saltwater tank(with the bonus that they can't sting you). They will do a great job of keeping the sand/gravel bed turned over and they clean just as well as a nerite snail. Let them be and in 6 months or so their numbers will stabilize and you'll start to see larger ones. At one point I had 500+(not exaggerating) in my 120g but once they stabilized I would only see them every now and then.
They are tiny snails and my best guess is pond snails. I have been seeing holes in my Java fern plants and I realized I have way too many and they keep multiplying

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Would one assassin snail be enough for a whole population in a 5 gallon?

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