
down and outman

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Does any of the LFS in town have Banded Trocus, Ceriths, or other snails besides Astraes? I have more Astraes shell than I can count. They feed the crabs well (expensive crab food, LOL), but that's about it.
Crabs will eat any of your snails. Thats reason 1 why I don't keep them in my tank.
True, but the Astraes have a bad habit of falling off the glass and becoming crab food. The Banded Trocus I have stay just fine on the glass out of reach of the crabs. Like to get more of them.
ares;198654 wrote: trochus also can right themselves. astreas have a limited life no matter what unless you search daily for the turtles, should you enjoy a working skimmer, hands in the tank all the time is a problem.

Im also looking for trochus, cerith, and nassarius. but alot of them... drfostersmith is the lowest price on the net, but trochus are not in their build your own reef package, so your stuck paying 35$ for shipping, still cheapest though, Im looking for cheaper yet...

My stock levels are low right now since I am moving into a new store. But I always beat F&S prices on inverts. They sell nas vibex snails starting at $1.99, mine are $0.68 and if you are a member of the ARC you get 10% off that price.

ares;198839 wrote: any idea when you'll have a supply of trochus, cerith, and nas in? Im not in a super rush, just filling the tank now... got a little bit before its a pressing issue. rather shop local if its available. prices on the nas are plenty good :)

I have ceriths and vibex in now several hundred of each. I will have trochus in by opening probably 8th to the 16th range of August.

Cool beans! I'll be contacting you soon. Long drive from LaGrange, but worth it. I got some Nassarius snails from you at a meeting. They're doing well.