Snowflake Clowns on LiveAquaria


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Live Aquaria has a pair of Snowflake Clowns for $600....

You up for buying these fancy ocellaris, Victor? :D

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Actually, those snowflakes are very nice. I like the markings on those. A lot of them I haven't liked because they just looked like a bird flew over and pooped on them. But these... they're actually the better looking of the ones I've seen.... just not $600 worth it to me.... :unsure:
nah i got true percs on the way im not changing them out unless i can get a pair of piccasos for a good price and that look nice but honestly i miss the rods reef clowns they are a very pretty fish ..but they would have become food in the tank
I don't understand why someone would pay more for a pair of retarded fish.
I don't understand the appeal of these or picassos, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose.
Victor626nj;155257 wrote: nah i got true percs on the way im not changing them out unless i can get a pair of piccasos for a good price and that look nice but honestly i miss the rods reef clowns they are a very pretty fish ..but they would have become food in the tank

So you're going back to clowns again? I thought you were going the wrasse route? :eek:

You can buy a pair of Picasso's from for $99 each. For a pair, with "fuel charge, boxes, etc.", it is $216.00.

I may try Picasso's again once I move my naked pair to a 14 gallon Biocube. I have a $60 credit with for winning 3 photo contest thingies, so it would actually be $156.00 for a pair for me. :D

I can't see myself forking out $600 a pair for those snowflakes. I like Picasso's much better. BUT... I see that those snowflakes are no longer there, so someone bought them! :tongue:
these were my favorite fish butthey are in good hands now....yeah im going to keep a pair of clowns i have a beautful anemone why wouldnt i have clowns lol
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Victor626nj;155285 wrote: these were my favorite fish butthey are in good hands now....yeah im going to keep a pair of clowns i have a beautful anemone why wouldnt i have clowns lol
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Those are absolutely adorable! They actually look like they are wearing coats. Or... wearing coats and no pants. :lol2:

But I hear ya... you've got a gorgeous 'nem and need a nice pair of clowns to host in it!~ :up:
thats why i ordered wild caught percs so i dont have to worry about them hosting or any retardation
You know they still might not host :). In which case you're going to be moving quickly to maroons!
theyll host cause ill take the nem of the rock and put all three in a container were they have no choice ....but ill try and release them right next to it so they catch on ....i dont like maroons...the female looks ugly once she is big looks almost brown
Victor626nj;155298 wrote: i dont like maroons...the female looks ugly once she is big looks almost brown

Well, I was going to say "then she'd blend in with your corals..."

(but I won't)

Chris!!!??? How could you say such a thing....Im surprised at you!! lol
i havent been here that long but... i've seen many fish come and go in victors threads. :lol2: