snowflake vs pistol (please respond soon I really want the eel)


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I plan on buying a small snowflake eel.... what, if any, problems will it have with my pistol shrimp.
The eel will have no problem with the shrimp. As soon as they can fit into the eels mouth it will eat them, quite easily - no problem.
I agree with all above. An eel is an agressive creature, and will prey on many of the things that most people keep in a reef.

Also Lax mann is right, an eel is a critter that you need to carefully plan for, so if you want one dont buy it on the spot, do your research first.

It will require a secure top on the tank, and I mean SECURE, not even a 1/2" hole should be available anywhere to prevent it from jumping. Also it will need to be in an agressive tank, or it will likely eat all your small fish, shrimp, crabs, and various other critters. Also snowflake eels get pretty large quickly, so they are capable of even eating larger fish like tangs.
Just another note, if you are interested in an eel and you dont have a FOWLR/agressive tank, golden dwarf morays (GDM) are eels more people successfully keep in reef tanks. THey stay smaller, and are significantly more expensive, but very neat eels, if that is your taste. Check them out. THere may be other varieties of eels that are also more reef safe that I am unaware of.
my snowflake was VERY docile. it never showed any aggression towards anything, it never ate any tank mates. but im sure they all have their own personalities, and mine was extremely shy. i never saw his whole body. he usually just chilled in his little cave and his head wouldnt even come out unless there was food in the tank. but i never had a pistol, so i cant answer that one. the pistol may end up wondering over to his cave and poking at him alittle. but i thought the snowflake was one of the most docile and easy mannered eel out there... ???
Most SFE are docile I have owned 2: 1 died 2 weeks after I moved, I had it for 5 years and the other I have had for @18 months. They will however eat most of aything that fits in their mouths and they do get large, some up to 4 or 5 feet. My large one was a lil over 3 feet when it died, the other is 18-24 inches. Asfor your question I would say the shrimp would be gone as soon as it could eat it, but snails and crabs my have never bother them. The golden eel doesnt get that big but costs more, both can be kept in a reef system with caution. Main thing is that when they swim their tail will hit rock maybe causing rocks or corals to fall. I hope this helps some.
Snowflakese are shrimp predators, defintely.

Maybe if the shrimp is large and the eel is a small juvie specimen and grows up with the shrimp... ...otherwise, you pays yer money and you takes yer chances.
Yeah I feed mine shrimp, squid, krill. If you have another tank move your shrimp there or trade it in.