So i finally added some new livestock


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Yesterday I picked up the following:

2x semi-picasso true perc's
1x purple fire fish

all for my 90 gallon.

Love the perc's but the fire fish i cant find should i be worried. I know they are shy and with the amount of live rock I have he has plenty of places to hide. Yes I have checked the overflow and scoured the tank for any remains don't see anything. Perc's are swimming around happy as can be and my one eye yellow tang is behaving and doing his thing.

Am I being a over concerned parent?
That's what I was thinking just surprised he did not at least come out for food. I am confident he has not jumped as I have egg crate and a hood. I picked up a pistol shrimp and goby for my pico and I can find them with no problem lol.
Yes I agree,

I just don't trust my coral banded shrimp or brittlestars although I think he is too big for them.
That's true with regular neon fire fish but the purples tend to kill each other. That's why I only have one.