Sock debris in water


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I bought new socks, washed them and recently put them in the sump. Now there's a bunch of sock fiber debris floating around in the water. Is there something I should have done to prevent that? Opinions please.
Don't put them in the dryer. Air dry them. Do they look like they fell apart some, or do you think they just attracted some lint?

Wondering if you are seeing parts of the sock in your tank, or just lint.
Probably lint from other stuff in the tank, then. They are made of polypropylene felt. Just air dry them from now on. You probably haven't hurt anything. Corals look OK?
No live stock. I have been cycling for 2 weeks this Saturday. I'll be getting a shrimp and maybe a fish or gobby this Sunday. I'm setting up a FOWLR and all levels are at the money spot.
Bingo! you guessed it. Take a lent brush to get off all the fibers. Then I'd run some power heads to stir up whatever debris and let the filter sock catch it. I would also stir it up and do a large water change AFTER your cycle.
Is it necessary to soak the socks in water with prime before putting them in the sump again?
Honestly I can't say either way. I would toss the sock and buy a new one, but make sure to not out it on a drying cycle :-)
ReeferKeifer;984649 wrote: Is it necessary to soak the socks in water with prime before putting them in the sump again?
No.I let mine air dry for two or three days before i start using them.