Some advice about expanding my current system


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OK, all you expert water quality (not just clarity) reefers, I am seeking some advice on a new addition I have started and want to know which direction to go.

I added another 100 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank under my frag system that will be an additional area where I can treat the water flowing through my system (total water volume of 350-400 gallons) all tied together.

The water from the 100 gallon frag tank sits directly above the 100 gallon stock tank/sump (no baffles, just 1 large open area) to work with, probably 50-75 gallons of water volume. The water drops down from a 2" overflow into the sump, from there it gets pumped over to the 150 gallon rubbermaid stock tank across the room then back up to main floor's DT with a hammerhead/Barracuda Reeflo external pump that also feeds my ETS 1000 external skimmer.

I will have 100 or so lbs of live rock in the 100 gallon sump/stock tank and a Mag 9.5 pumping water back up to the 100 gallon frag system and wanted to add some additional filtration in that sump to help with nutrient export/removal.

1. should the water from the frag system free fall into a tray with matrix or some other material since that free fall action will help oxygenate the water as the water flows over the matrix and helps essential/beneficial bacteria treat the water?
2. or should the drain go all the way down below the water line and only use the LR as filtration?
3. Should I add an additional internal skimmer (aside from the commercial model I have), keeping in mind that my bio load will not increase much except for some algae eaters (tangs etc and pest eaters Wrasses). Frag system is for corals and some inverts.
3. Any other advice you all would give about anything else that would help with water quality (of course along with WCs every other week and basic reef husbandry)

I do not want to turn this into a fuge or algae scrubber discussion. I have a reactor with GFO online already to keep PO4 to near zero, just looking for something beneficial for the extra large water volume that will benefit my eco system.

Appreciate any and all input.
hey boss man... understand I consider you as far more of an expert that I am... but based on the above consider the following:

I think it would be a great place to put a load of Matrix (this was the substrate I was trying to think of the other day when we met). I've just started running it on my system (3 months ago) and I feel it is doing a great job as I have seen a decrease in the rate algae grows on my panels (thats the only place it EVER grows).

IMO it would be a great place for you to be able to keep it clean.. Ideally you are to keep the surfaces of the matrix as clean as possible... nothing a few pumps moving the water around wouldn't help.

THAT being said.. IF this is your BOTTOM area of water holding it WILL be where crap settles. You won't likely pump it BACK up. Make sure to run it through some sort of filter sock or the like as it drains and I think you'll be fine.

BEST of luck with it! Again, just my opinion

Thanks man.
So, drain down into filter sock then into tray of Matrix was my initial thought exactly.
I think that would be the the simplest solution to add good biological filtration to your system WITHOUT adding the complexity of another skimmer or other device.