Something Less Permanent Than Crazy Glue?


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East Cobb
Placing frags around my jerk clown fish sence is getting old. I'd like to stick them to the rocks, but still leave some wiggle room in case they're not happy where they end up. Is there something I can use to make it so the fish can't knock them off but I can still get them off the rock without too much effort in the event they need to move?
What about reef epoxy?
What about reef epoxy?
Is it easy(ish) to get the plugs back off the rock?
It is as long as you dont use to much or mold it to well to the rocks. Kinda hard to do that, More used as support. At least the way I use it.
Both options are basically meant to be permanent. I personally like the superglue option, this is all I use on my acro frags and colonies. I move stuff all the time and reposition it at will. If you have a bone cutter (if not get one) just snip the past where the superglue meets the rock and it will pop right off with no issues.
I like gluing frags on to bits of rumble and then glue the rumble to the rockwork.
If anything happens, its pretty easy to pop it off.
Superglue doesn't make near as strong a bond when it's applied wet. I can just about always break it off with my fingers. Gluing dry rock however is a different story.
Trust me, any cyanoacrylate adhesive you use will not be permanent. The stuff is total crap and gluing frags to any surface that is even a little difficult for them to stay on always fails.