something pretty cool at the beach this weekend


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while i was swimming in the surf with my wife and little girl i had my polorized sunglasses on and saw something on a piece of seaweed that floated by me and reached out and picked it up and it was about a 1inch long black sea horse and i got to looking and there were more than just that one in the surf i thought it was pretty cool

how many people have every had this happen??
Wow, that is cool. I've been to many beaches but never saw that!
yea it was pretty awesome i have been down to panama city 2 times a year for the last 15-20 years and have never seen this either and also saw about 100 dolphins while we were there just all over the place. we stayed at a hotel off the beach because it was bike week and i didnt think my 3 year old needed to see all kinds of things a 3 year old doesnt need to see so we went down to the state park --st andrews bay and this is were it happened at
When I was a kid we would go to Port St. Joe and PCB for two weeks at time. We used to go out in St. Joe Bay from the campground at the State Park. There was just about every kind of imaginable marine life you could think of including seahorses. We would wade out for what seemed like miles and never be over waist deep. I've heard it's not like that down there anymore and it really makes me sad that I have in my lifetime seen a complete ecosystem destroyed.
Lee, I went to Port St. Joe and Apalachacola about 8 years ago - and did the same thing! I love it out on the cape - you can have surf on one side and still water like glass on the other.

We found a bright orange seahorse - at the time I was keeping seahorses and I wanted to bring her home - but we were tent camping and it was too hot to keep her 2 more days til we went home so we put her back. We looked for her again before we left (and possibly her mate - they keep a small territory - females 3 sq meters, males 1 sq meter) but we didn't find her or any others again... figures! Still - she was an awesome find, even if only to observe.

I would love to go back down there sometime. Haven't been to St. Joe in 24 years
We camped there a few times... before we opened the store (and when "we" were still married LOL) - it's absolutely gorgeous there. We camped in the state park at the end of the cape. It's been 8 years but at the time we found the area to be largely unspoiled, but there were new cottages and beach houses going up and some lots for sale, so it's likely more built up than it was - but I would think that the state park is probably still the same.

That's one of the prettiest places I've ever been.
