Spencer's 25g Nano bulid...


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Well, its not really a build because its a pretty complete setup but its new to me. Its a pretty unique setup because the fuge is visible at the top of the stand. Its comes with a coralife 96w CF light, I want to upgrade to a 20' 150-250w sunpod very soon, so let me know if anyone has one for sale.

The fuge is 7 gallons and is drilled with 2 durso's and is illuminated by another coralife PC. The pump to the fuge is located in the main overflow of the display. It also has a 10 gallon baffled sump under the stand with a DIY skimmer powered by a CA 2200 850 gph pump. The return pump is a Gen X 41<u></u><span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="font-size: 12px;"><font size="3" data-gcupd="font-3"><!-- gcu-updated -->00.

More pics to come as I get it home and set up.....
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Here are the pics on photobucket....

That stand is killer! Very nice.

Out of curiousity, why is the fuge up high?
I don't know man, thats the way the guy I bought it from built it. The stand is 84' tall! Its will be a challenge moving it, I know that.
Nice! That light would drive me crazy (I have mine on reverse lighting schedule from tank lights).
Thats the suggested way to plumb a fuge. Its just not practical for the most part.
I am going to pick it up tomorrow, any advice on the process of moving livestock from one tank to another?
It looks like you dont really have any livestock, so I would just put the fuge contents in a bucket and drain the tank into buckets. Or if you are gonna fill it with fresh-made water you can just drain it into the drain.

Shuld be relatively easy as long as you can somewhat dissassemble it. Be sure to take blankets or something to wrap the stand in so it wont get banged up. Very unique and cool setup.
I haven't even picked the tank yet, I am going to albany tomorrow. More pics to come as soon as I get it.....
Well, I broke the refugium on the way home.....beyond siliconing......the only thing that made this tank different.
Is it a standard tank size? You may be able to easily replace it. Give us the dimensions.

Also many people on here are pretty good with acrylic. It could probably be duplicated in acrylic easily.