Splitting a Pom Pom Xenia


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I have a large Pom Pom Xenia (6" across) in my tank and want to take a piece of it and move it to another section of the tank where I don't have much, so it can grow and fill in there.

Yesterday I cut off one of it's sections (not sure what you call those) and tightly rubber banded it to a small piece of LR. It opened up and was moving nicely in the new section. About 3 hours later I noticed it was gone. I found it laying on the bottom, so I picked it up and super glued it to the rock. The rock was fairly dry but the Xenia was still wet. It looked good, had some movement, then it too fell off the rock and I can't find the piece this time.

I want to try again but need advice about how to do this so I don't keep losing the pieces.

put it in a low flow area for a week or so-what you're doing is right, just put it in a lower flow area so it can attach; my xenia always fragged itself-if you can just wait, if not-try that--and it can sit outside of the tank and dry for a few mins. without problems
I prefer to use a piece of bridal veil (lightweight plastic mesh fabric) to loosely hold it down on the rock to which you'd like to attach it. Use a rubberband to keep the bridal veil in place.
I have used rubberbands and bridal veil. If you use rubberbands, you want to put it on loosely, otherwise it will cut right through. Now I usually will put some rubble in the bottom of an ash tray that has only been used in the tank and will rubberband netting over the top to keep the critters out. In just a couple of days the xenia will attach to a piece of the rubble which can then be glued to any spot you want to put it.
Thanks all, great suggestions. I'm off to give them a try.