Spore ID

I hate to be this guy over and over again but when I start noticing stuff like that popping up, I up my water changes for a while. Instead of 10g three time a month, I'll make it 15g. If it's really not a big issue, give that a shot and be sure to siphon out the stuff when you're doing it. Honestly it was really hoping it was red coralline algae. I have a few patches that are that same ruby red and they're really attractive. However, it does not come up with a siphon or turkey baster.
If I’m understanding correctly, it is definitely bacterial. And I’ve often heard this one referred to as a Cyanobacteria.

Regardless, there are two chemical options that are effective against this... but neither is guaranteed as you already found out: Chemiclean and Erythromycin. When one doesn’t work, the other is often successful.

Both are stressful on a reef tank. They will also both kill any sponges.
Absolutely! I agree.

Chemical solutions aren’t my favorite; and they almost never work 100%. So I don’t recommend either of these solutions. But when your chips are down, and feelings are desperate, it’s another tool in your arsenal.

But the first tool should always be manual removal. I not only have my water change hose, but also a smaller diameter hose and also a 1/4” hose that I use for tasks like this.
I hate to be this guy over and over again but when I start noticing stuff like that popping up, I up my water changes for a while. Instead of 10g three time a month, I'll make it 15g. If it's really not a big issue, give that a shot and be sure to siphon out the stuff when you're doing it. Honestly it was really hoping it was red coralline algae. I have a few patches that are that same ruby red and they're really attractive. However, it does not come up with a siphon or turkey baster.
I do a weekly water change of 30 gallons, and I will try removing it with a Siphon hose
Absolutely! I agree.

Chemical solutions aren’t my favorite; and they almost never work 100%. So I don’t recommend either of these solutions. But when your chips are down, and feelings are desperate, it’s another tool in your arsenal.

But the first tool should always be manual removal. I not only have my water change hose, but also a smaller diameter hose and also a 1/4” hose that I use for tasks like this.
Awesome looks like I have some shopping to do
Every thing you need can be picked up at Home Depot or Lowes.

Once those rocks are cleared off see if you can get some more flow to those rocks. That will help keep the mats from being able to form.
Will do also picked up some vibrant today
Unless your dealing with an algae problem I wouldn't dose Vibrant for Cyano. If you have a fuge the Vibrant will wipe out the Macro you have in there.
Unless your dealing with an algae problem I wouldn't dose Vibrant for Cyano. If you have a fuge the Vibrant will wipe out the Macro you have in there.
no refugium but I have used this product in the past and stopped for a month