stack rock caves for my dragon morray eel


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Thanks for stopping by and reading my thread. I have had an established 135 gallon sw fish only tank for about 7 months. I have been using fake coral. Made the tank real easy to clean. I would always try to avoid using LR even though it is a natural bio media. I realized how beautiful rock stacking can be, but will illustrate how it happened.

I recently became real fascinated by dragon morray eels. I tried several different methods in making a good home for the eel before I decided to own one.

First I came across PVC. I got a PVC pipe that had a cool shape for tunnels. I did not like the idea of it being all white. Made the tank look like a science project. So I dipped it into a bucket of GE 2 100 % silicon, and then poured sand on top of it. Let it sit out in water for 24 hours. Repeated this and covered it with gravel rock.

Then I thought to my self, what if my dragon morray wants to roam around in the tank. I started on my next project. A transparent underground tube. Ripped the green top off of a 30" by 2" diameter typhoon top and used some reef safe glue to a pvc pipe. Drilled a hole in 2 uncure rock and placed it over the pvc.

Once I finish both I had it sit in a water bin for 48 hrs, and then moved it into a qt tank to lvl out the ph. I placed it into my tank and realized what a failure of an idea. The tank look so unnatural, and my show size golden puffer started eating my silicon off of the pvc silicon pipe!! Yikes, I immediately yanked both pipes out.

So obsessed by the idea of having a dragon morray eel in my tank was becoming into an impossible task. I was so dissapointed that my ideas did not work, after so much effort and thought. So, youtube became my inspiration. I looked up videos of eels in happy habitats. All of the ones that were happy were in LR.

My first time dealing with LR was when I built a 5 gallon reef tank The LFS taught me how to stack rocks.

Well, I found out the price per lbs for LR, and my jaw dropped. I started making calls around and got some for real dirt cheap. About $2.50 a lbs. Paid cash so he deducted tax, lol.

I took out all the fake coral moved my hermit crabs out of the way. Took my fish out (except red corris wrasse, impossible to take out when its burrowed), and went to to town building a cool habitat for my eel. I built 3 caves going from small, med, lg.

The tank looks so natural, all my fish love it. Now I am finally ready to buy my dragon morray. Should have it in the next few days. Will add photos. Let me know what you guys think of the rock stack.

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Sorry for the link, I am good with techy things, just can't put my finger around why the photo can't enlarge. Anyone who can help me out with it would be nice. If you want to see the tank, I will upload a video onto youtube real soon.

Edit: Hey,

I picked up the dragon morray yesterday, from a 25 gallon tank with 2 pvc pipes. Something so beautiful has to have a better home. As soon as I put her into the tank she was slipping in between one rock cave to the other. She wasn't to shy. I saw her whimper near my purple tang. Pooty tang can be a bit territorial.

Back to the dragon she was slipping from one cave to the other getting to know the rest of her tank mates, golden puffer, red corris wrasse, baby yellow tangs, and purple tang. After 30 mins she looked hungry to me so I got ready for feeding time.

I was a bit nervous becuase I didn't know what to expect. My first zebra eel didn't eat for a good 2 weeks. Sometimes I had to leave the food on a tong infront of its home for 30 minutes. I was hoping this wouldn't be the same situation.

So I defrosted some shrimp for my carnivores, and baby mysis and herbivore food for the tangs. I placed a almost frozen shrimp on the single tong strictly for the eel. As soon as I place the first shrimp inside the tank, my dragon went absolutely mellow into a wild aggressive eel that I would see as villans in disney movies. I got so scared that I almost let go of the tong.

It snapped so hard at the tong I felt the tug from the other end. The shrimp was stuck onto the tong so it did this crazy spin like crocodiles do. My puffer that's crazy as anything even swam the other direction. At that point I knew that the dragon is by far the most beautiful eel and worth every cent i paid for it.

I would recommend this eel to anyone whose willing to pay the buck for it. It is peaceful to all other fish, hermit crabs, but feeding time is not hard considering all eels personalities, and its so much fun!!

I promise to put up a link for my stack rock caves and dragon eel soon.
Dragon moray are fish eaters for sure, so I hope you plan on feeding a lot of fish material and are ready for him to harass your fish tankmates. If kept well fed, they shouldn't be a problem, but you never know.