Star Polyps


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i bought some star polyps yesterday from a lfs, and they have been in the tank for about 24hr. should i be concerned that they havnt opened up yet or will it take a few days for them to adjust?
i wouldnt be concerned mine took several days before they were adjusted and opened up...probably not a big deal
Not a big deal yet. Mine get very mad sometimes if I accidentally touch them and they do not open up for a while, just give them some time. One thing you might look for is do they have hair algae on them?
nope they are really clean i guess i just need to give them more time.
I was worried about the same thing when I got mine. I dont know how true this is, but someone tols me that as long as the encrusting portion remains purple in color, the organism is alive.

On a seperate note, mine took about 3-4 days to open fully and is now a happy and quickly growing coral.

Best of luck.

Oh got GSP!! In about 6 months you will asking us how to get rid of it....

I have so much of it I can't stand it. I am getting ready take the rocks out and blast the stuff off it.

word of advice control it's growth! Don't allow it to run everywhere. There is nothing that stuff will not grow over and kill.

Oh yeah, it will open up. Nothing kills it
I had some that looked great, bloomed all the time and then stopped. Looked like a purple blob laying on the sand. Then about 2 months ago it disappeared, :mad2: I looked around for it couldn't find it. I said "oh well". then last week:eek: my goby uncovered it. It looked kind of funky:sick: , but 3 days ago it was blooming just like nothing happened. I've decided to just leave it on the sand.