Still no acropora polyp extension?


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This has gone on for months, and I've not found the answer.

90g DT, 22g refugium, 20g operating sump volume
Reefkeeper Elite
2x250w MH (Ushio 20K, 6 months old)
BRS dual reactor w/carbon and Seachem Phosguard
Seachem Reef Salt
Skimming is fairly wet (I get a 2L Coke bottle a week on average)
2x MP40W, turned almost all the way down (strong flow still), but this condition predated the Vortechs. Previously I was running 2x Koralia Evo 1400s, and 2x K4s before that.

Current parameters:

Ammonia - 0 (Seachem)
Nitrite - 0 (Seachem)
Nitrate - .75 (Seachem) (based on color interpretation between .25-1.0)
Phosphate - <.03 (Salifert)
CA - 430 (Seachem)
Mag - 1225 (Seachem)
Alk - 3 meq/l (Seachem)
pH - 8.1 (meter)
temp 79.4-79.8, 24 hour max/min
Salinity/SG - 35ppt/1.026

I realize my alk is low, and calcium slightly low, and I haven't dosed in a while (plus I'm overdue for a water change), but keep in mind that this situation has gone on for many months,</em> across many dosings and water changes.

I have literally never seen polyps on any of my acroporas (I have about 15 different acros). LPS and other SPS (montiporas, birdsnests etc) are normal. I have checked at all hours of the night to see if they are open, and nothing.

I do have a fish (flame angelfish) that is a potential nipper, but over the year and a half that I've had it, I have spent MANY hours watching and have never seen any acroporas touched.

For what it's worth, when I dose it is BRS CA, MG and Alk.

The acroporas are all growing well and display good color. I have no pests (much, much observation) and have never had RTN/STN issues.

Can any of our husbandry gurus offer any ideas, or am I doomed to have acros that are as bald as I am?
Help me, ARC... you are my only hope. :)
One more tidbit... several times I have given frags to others, and they had good PE in their tanks very quickly.
I know you said no pests, but are you sure there are no redbugs in the tank? Last time I treated for them, about 18-20 months ago, that was the first thing I noticed was lack of polyp extension. All chemical parameters being "normal", I'd guess either RBs or something that is pecking at the acros. I'd look very closely at your smooth skinned acros. Anything green really shows them off. I saw them first on my bali green slimer (when I had it) and any Lokani or tri color valida.

Guys with beautiful SPS reefs that also have large angels also complain that they get no PE, but they do it because the tradeoff is worth it.
Thanks Dave. I have looked at most of them with a magnifying glass (since many are small and on frag racks). I can't see anything. I should be able to recognize them, as I've had the opportunity to examine a tank which did have red bugs.
I will do another careful examination tomorrow when the lights come on just to be safe.
I'm at a loss for any other explantation other than RBs or nipping, but that doesn't mean there isn't one!!
If I find RBs after all this time and hair loss, I'll feel like a real moron.
I had poor PE for a while and it was due to heightened phosphate levels. Started to run GFO again and PE is great now. More frequent WC's would have helped but I like my once a month routine.

Red bugs also cause poor PE in acros without killing them. (typed this as you guys were posting :) )
Learn something new every day. I never knew or heard that high phos levels could do that.
Acroholic;604021 wrote: Learn something new every day. I never knew or heard that high phos levels could do that.

Could have been a coincidence. :) And you've probably never had high phosphate levels!
Just did a flashlight inspection and see no bugs.

My phosphate tests low (and I do run Phosguard, but plan to go to GFO since the last of what I had is in the reactor now).

I guess I should cross check my phosphate with a different kit.
Can also be AEFW which you can barely see. When the lights are on, try picking up a few acros and shaking them in tank to see if anything comes off.
Will do. But, after this much time wouldn't AEFWs have killed the acros?
depends. if you don't have any small white patches of tissue gone on the underside it's probably not AEFW but shake a few to make sure. :) you can keep AEFW at bay with certain fish to the point where acros won't die but they're not happy either. ....trying to help rule out possible reasons for poor PE.
grouper therapy;604063 wrote: I am going to bet on the Flame Angel.

A good thing to try, Barry, if you can't find another cause, is to catch and isolate the flame for a while and see what happens with your coral's PE then.
Just exploring other thoughts... Do you clean your hands before putting them in the tank? Do you ever spray any kind of air fragrance or cleaning chemical around or near ur tank?
what I would do.....

1. treat for redbugs
2. change that phosguard crap for GFO asap...change it weekly until phates are acceptable using a "real" test kit, i.e., merck or the new elos
3. raise alk and keep it steady by daily dosing
4. lighting make sure lighting is intense for sps (can't remember what you had)