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Hey guys....

I'm wanting to take advantage of some of the killer sales that our sponsors have going on this weekend. BUT, I don't want to get into the stores and get stupid with an impulse buy.

I'm looking for suggestions for additions to my 235 gal. My current livestock list:

Regal (Hippo) Tang 6"
Naso Tang 5-6"
Sohal Tang 8-8.5" (VERY active swimmer, he is the only fish in the tank that doesn't "sleep" at night)
Foxface 5-6"
3 Ocellaris Clowns (since the Sohal's been added, they stick to a back corner area, they were once the bullies of the tank.....I've not seen the Sohal pick on anyone, though he will chase the Regal, if the Regal gets in his way)
Maroon Clown
No-Bar Cinnamon Clown
Black/white Clown-mated pair
Purple Pseudochromis
Yellow Watchman Goby (he doesn't have a shrimp friend)
Mandarin Dragonet (male)
Coral Beauty
Engineer Goby
Something that maybe some type of Tile Fish, I'm not sure, his tail is growing out longer, he has a yellow face. His body is elongated, with sort of faded looking black and white stripes. He was part of a livestock buyout. I, personally never would have gotten him otherwise, he is somewhat boring.
Mystery Wrasse (well maybe), he was active in the tank when he was first introduced. Part of the big livestock buyout. He kept to one side of the tank. Then, for no apparent reason, he started hiding. Would stay hidden for a week or two, then come out for short periods of time, however.....I've not seen him in a LONG time. Its a mystery.
Diamondback Sand Sifting Goby

I believe that is the list. As far as inverts, I've got the usual cleaning crew (snails, hermits, sandsifting star, brittle star, serpent star). I also have two emerald crabs, one odd looking black crab that sticks to one rock and NEVER comes completely out....he is getting sizable. I have a coral banded shrimp that is rarely visible. A cocoa worm that I've only seen half of its head of ONCE (any suggestions there?) and a Feather Duster that stays out almost all of the time. ORA Blue Max clam and I believe that would be it for my inverts.

My parms are fine.....the system is running smoothly. I've only lost one fish, due to injury (Purple Firefish). Corals are looking good. Everyone and everything is humming along just fine.

So....any fish/invert suggestions? The last fish that I added was the Sohal, he has been in there around a month, maybe close to two now.

I'll check the posting before I head out to the stores this afternoon.

Happy Labor Day ya'll!
Sounds to me like you are pretty well stocked. I don't think I would want to add a whole lot to the current bioload of the tank.

I noticed you have no currently living or visible wrasses...maybe a small fairy or flasher wrasse to add some additional color?

I have six hawaiian flame wrasses in my 210 and love them.
Personally, you're already pretty much maxed out. However, there are a few clownfish you don't have. :D
Dont think of adding another active fish with that sohal. If he is hyper already, he will slay any other fish. They are well known for it.
jmaneyapanda;390803 wrote: Dont think of adding another active fish with that sohal. If he is hyper already, he will slay any other fish. They are well known for it.

That was my biggest concern. He doesn't appear to pick on anyone, but he reminds me of a shark. He is constantly moving in and out of the rocks, back and forth. He is really the only fish that "uses" the entire aquarium.
theplatypus;390799 wrote: Personally, you're already pretty much maxed out. However, there are a few clownfish you don't have. :D

Yeah....and no aggression.....surprising, I know. The Black/Whites were not well accepted at first.
Acroholic;390797 wrote: Sounds to me like you are pretty well stocked. I don't think I would want to add a whole lot to the current bioload of the tank.

I noticed you have no currently living or visible wrasses...maybe a small fairy or flasher wrasse to add some additional color?

I have six hawaiian flame wrasses in my 210 and love them.

That was what I really had on my mind....maybe a trio. I wasn't looking for anything that is going to get big for sure. I don't really have any fish that school either. I do have a lonely disbar anthias, that I failed to mention earlier.

I know, I'm basically maxed on swimmers. That is why I wanted to come to you guys.....the reefers with all of the experience. My next fish purchase will be the last. And, making sure that it is a good fit within my neighborhood is imperative.

Does anyone have thoughts on wrasses vs anthias?

How about anemones? NONE of my clowns have their own. My Maroon houses in some polyps. My No Bar Cin houses in my Bubble Coral. I would really like to get two or three anemones, spaced out (to keep territories separate of course). Any thoughts one the better choices for hosting? I know its a shot in the dark as to if any of the clowns will take to an anemone.
I'm getting a lid made this week, so when the next big sale weekend hits, I'll be ready. I've been thinking about getting a couple of the Fairy Wrasses....looks like that is all that will fit and work within my system.

Hmmm, this may mean I'll be in the market for another tank in the near future.....
jmaneyapanda;390803 wrote: Dont think of adding another active fish with that sohal. If he is hyper already, he will slay any other fish. They are well known for it.
No doubt!!
atreyu917;391317 wrote: Yay for another tank! I can't wait for another one day.

What about a hawkfish? They're pretty cool. Not free swimmers really. Mostly hang out around the rockwork.

My concerns are two fold....

1. Bioload

2. Compatibility with current residents (biggest concern, Sohal tang)

lol....yeah, a new tank (I've not had this one 6 months yet!) Too bad my son isn't into reef keeping, I could get him one as a gift for Christmas.
man that's a lot I would love to have any of the ones you mentioned so no troubles with disputes over space
loudog42362;391389 wrote: man that's a lot I would love to have any of the ones you mentioned so no troubles with disputes over space

As of right now no....

The Sohal Tang will chase the Regal if he gets in his swim path. He also seems to enjoy making a run on the Foxface, though there doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason when or why and it isn't constant (think he is just an a**hole bully).

The Black and White clowns were picked on at first. But now everyone has gone to their seperate corners (after moving some key pieces of corals and rocks around).

When I feed....I make sure I go to the far end of the tank first and that seems to pull the bigger fish to that side. Then I feed the middle and then go to the other end, it keeps everyone spaced out, fat and happy.
I think you are going to come to seriously regret that sohal. They are known to outright killing other fish, and the tangs are likely gonna be the first to go. JMO.
Well....I promise you this, if things get rough.....I will move mountains to get him out of there. And, he will be relocated to the 90 gal sump until I can find him a happy home with a large predatory tank.

If I had more room, I would consider setting up a predatory tank myself. BUT.....I thought it would be a good idea to buy a 10 ft long entertainment center and now there is no extra room in my livingroom.