Stopping Fish Fights


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I was at Keen Reef yesterday and bought a Wheeler Watchman Goby for the future pistol shrimp I will be getting.

Be known to me the Dragon Goby and the Wheeler Watchman Goby are related and fighting, sorta. (sounds like holiday family get togethers to me. :lol2: )

So my question is how do I stop the Dragon Goby from picking on the Wheeler?

I had the lighting turned off when I added him but it didn't work.

Any advice?

Right now they are in a 10 gallon with a 30g tall in their future. I just need a stand for it right now.

Thanks in advanced!
move the rock around, I've fed the tank and sometimes help, also I've heard if you put a pic. of the same fish taped to the glass it will want to fight with it, and give your other new fish more time to acclimate.
With both of them in a 10 gal there is really no way to get them to stop. One will have to die. If it was a larger tank (100+ gal), you could rearrange the rock so neither has "territory" and hope thy stay on opposite sides. But when they find each other, they will fight, often to the death.
oh-didn't notice 10g. yeah-that's kinda small for those close 'family' members
There are several courses offered at your local community center; "Fighting Goby Aggression 101" and "Reef Aggression Regression"!

The Wheeler and Watchman are too closely simliar and if they don't have thier own specific area in a large tank they will fight. I'd remove one for now, maybe take it back to Keen and have him hold it for you till you have a bigger setup.
I was hoping you would have said take it back to keen. the only big reef set up i'll have for now is the 30 once i get it running and cycled then that will be my only tank.

So no bigger system till i have lots of money :) the economy sucks so its really tough right now but I am sure ya'll know that.
I have a Yellow Watchman Goby and a Wheeler's Goby in my 210. They barely tolerate each other in my big tank so I would be hesitant to keep them together in anything smaller. I agree, see if Tim will let you return him and find a more suitable tank mate when you have the larger tank up.
Well, I want to keep the watchman as I will be headed to Einstein's to get a candy pistol shrimp tomorrow.

Time said he could give me $10 for the dragon goby which i paid like $30 i think. I am selling it for 20 or trades. but hopefully some will take interest in it and if not then I will take it to Keen Reef on Wednesday as I need him out ASAP. The Watchman made a jump for it while I was out today. I got home and he was on the floor on a bag. I thought I had lost him. I had a bucket with a little bit of saltwater left from acclimation so I put him in there prepared to dispose of the body. I came over to the computer for a sec and went back to the body of the watchman and his gills were moving. so i placed him in the fuge to let him have some piece and quiet. He his back and doing well. Another tale from the human world for his fish buddies ;)

I wont be able to have a big tank like a 210 cause of financial reasons so after a year of having the 30T set up hopefully my parents will love my tank enough to get me a larger one.

So if you have interest in a dragon goby see my for sale thread or PM me.

Thanks for the advice guys