Strange Behavior


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I've got a pair of clowns had them for several months, not sure how many. Once again wishing I kept a log. Anyway I added a new bubble tip several weeks ago. and now I've noticed the male has been acting very strange lately. He seems to be staying just outside the BTA and constantly grooming a rock. I took a look and there is something movng in the current, but adhered to the rock. I can't get a real good look, but it looked like some kind of thin stalks 1/8" long (maybe shorter) swaying in the current. I shiined a flashlight on them tonight and noticed they are reflective (at least shiney).

What is it? Anyone with an idea?
OK, I'll show my ignorance here. I just assumed that eggs would be round or some shape other than stalky.
The best way I can describe the shape of clownfish eggs is that they look like a patch of brussle sprout heads.
OK thanks guys for the help. Do they ever survive to hatch and swim in a tank?
nah they will probably eat them so no one else will but if they do hatch they wont survive
Most salt water fish have that tricky free floating larval stage as plankton that just makes them really hard to rear in a home aquarium. Check your specific gravity, btw. Clowns tend to breed with a sudden drop in water density.