Stressed Trigger


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So today I got a shipment in. Everyone is doing and acting fine w the exception of my blue jaw. He LOOKS GREAT. Fat/ good color... But he has chosen to wedge himself between a mag float and the overflow in a vertical position.

Is she just freaked out? Is there something I should do at this point or just let her calm down?

She has only been in the tank about an hour.
The room is very dimly lit right now


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I think that's what triggers do. I wouldn't worry too much about it unless it's like that tomorrow.
I had a pink tail trigger while i was acclamating him lay flat on his side like he was dead i gave him poke with my finger making sure he was ok
The male blue throat is the biggest wuss in the ocean.

So to answer your question - that's perfectly normal.

I got a pair in once at the shop, and the male was so freaked out, it played dead in the middle of its tank for 4 DAYS. Didn't even hide under anything, just lay there on the bottom like a stiff.

It got to the point where I put a sign on the tank that said, "I'm not dead" because people kept coming to tell me I had a deaddie in the tank.

The female was shy for the first day or two, but was out and about before long, while the male still lay there like a rock. Eventually he got over himself but he'd only swim around if he couldn't see anybody watching him. The minute somebody approached the tank, he'd go into possum mode again.

I've seen that sort of thing with many male blue throats. The females are less inhibited. They can be shy at first too but usually muster up their courage long before the males do.

When I placed mine into my tank he hid under a rock and I didn't see him for 2.5 months. I honestly thought he died. When I changed my aqua scape he finally decided to swim with others.

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Good to know. This is a female, so maybe she will perk up soon.

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It's unusual for the female to totally wig out but they are generally more shy than other triggers that I've seen.

Give her a few days :)
