Stupid Fish!


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I set up the fish trap and baited it with a small rock covered with those small white feather duster worms in the hope that the Copperband Butterflyfish would go in it. It's been in the tank a few hours and so far just about every other fish in the tank has gone it and out of the trap! Even the Chervron Tang has been in it. The Butterfly looks at the rock through the side of the trap and tries to get to the feather dusters. d'oh! You would think he would figure it out watching all the other fish swimming in and out. or has he? hmmm....

HA! Sorry I couldn't resist. I'm a bit worried about the CB. It's showing some signs of infection and has a cloudy eye. I'm concerned about the fish and want to try and isolate it if possible. I am hoping it is nothing serious at this point.
Mine was pretty docile, and I just caught it with a net. Have you tried that or is it really skiddish?
This one likes to hang out behind the rocks. I'll try and get a picture but the left eye is clouded over and it was fine two days ago. The right side is perfect with no problems. The fish has been eating and devours feather duster worms. I'm not sure what is causing the "cloudy eye" but I know it can't be good.
As for the trap, I am still catching everything but the copperband. As a matter of fact, my fang blenny slept in the trap last night :lol2:

Any ideas on what may be wrong with the copperband?
