Stupid question

ms_ k

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How often should I harvest and throw out chaeto from my fuge? My fuge is 58 gallons, so that's a lot of chaeto if I let it fill up. It takes a long time. I've just taken some out a couple of times in the past month, but how much should I take out and how often should I remove excess?

I realize that this is subjective. I'm just looking for some input/suggestions... not necessarily definitive timelines or amounts.
Once per month for me. With that size fuge I'm guessing 2 basketball size pieces would be good. When they doubles in size remove half.

Do you have a sandbed in there?
Why throw out? I have never taken out of my sump except to give to people when they need some....

Unless it is flowing over the are fine. It is a filter!
I do have a sand bed and a lot of rock in the fuge. I needed to take some out because it got rather full and flow was becoming a problem. I can definitely bring some to one of our Athens meetings, but I don't usually make it to the regular club meetings. It's a 1-1.5 hour drive for me if traffic is really good, and then I have to be up at 5:30 the next morning, prepared to face the powerful armies of middle schoolers that I teach.