Substrate for Refugium?


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I apologize if this topic has been covered before, but I'd like to know everyone's opinion on the best substrate for a refugium. I'm about to set up a 5 gallon refugium underneath my 72 gal. bowfront. It'll be separate from the sump. I plan on having some liverock rubble and Cheato macroalgae in the refugium, and I'll light it on a reverse cycle. Most information I've read says that a deep sand bed or a refugium mud (like Fiji Mud) is the best. What does everyone think?

P.S. If anyone has some liverock rubble, Cheato, or substrate at a good price please let me know! :thumbs:
I say if you only have 5Gal to work with... Do a Plenum and a Crushed Coral deep bed with the top being med sized sand. You could top that off with a bit of fuge mud if you want, I don't...

I have utilized this system for years (both before I got out of the hobby and now) I love it. The plenum helps, even though that is open for much debate. The crushed coral helps the gas exchange, the med grain sand keeps junk from falling into the crushed coral. Does not leave you much H20 volume for Chaeto but there will be enough.

BTW: good choice to choose Chaeto here.. You want to light the fuge with a 5100K light. Makes all the difference in Chaeto growth.
For a refugium, I would definately go with a fine sand. You are going to want to have inverts in there to keep the top layer stirred so the finer the sand the better you are. I have not heard anything negative about the miracle mud. I just tried to keep my system as simple as possible so sand is what I use and it works well for me
If you know of any LFS that are low on LR you can always ask them if it would be ok if you scooped up some of the junk at the bottom of their holding tank. Since you are doing such a small set-up you wouldn't need much. Then you might even be able to get your rubble from the same place depending on the size of the holding tank. You will also not have to wait for the life to come to the fug. it will already be there. Every time I've gotten LR rubble it was from the bottom of the holding tanks and as soon as I put it in the fug I saw life.

Isn't that what the refugium mud you buy is anyways?

Dr. Ron Shimek lays out what to shoot for if you decide to setup a DSB.">This is a great article on the subject, imo</a>!

