Substrate size


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I am about to move my tank to a new location and will be changing out the substrate. I am looking for opinions on what people think is the best size substrate. I currently have sand less than 1 mm and it blows around the tank and covers corals. I've heard that larger substrate like crushed sea shells can trap unwanted ammonia is a nitrates. I have gobys and jawfish. Do you have a brand or size saying that you like?
I use something similar to fiji pink, quite fine but I don't get dust storms and I DO keep wrasse. I like the look and I like that it doesn't catch detritus as bad as when I had crushed coral in my last tank. The larger the grain size I feel the larger the trap for nasties. My last tank crashed (nitrate thru roof) after about 2 years of 3-4" crushed coral; worst choice I ever made.
The Seaflor Special Grade is what I like. It's small enough to be sand, but not super-fine to blow around.

Smaller particles make for more net surface area (for good bacteria to colonize on), but if you go too fine, you'll have it blow around.

Here's a reference. This is for dry aragonite but they make these in live versions too. I prefer the live mainly because it's pre-washed and ready to use, and saves time."></a>
