Success with Copperband butterfly fish


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I found this video online, which was extremely helpful.. I have owned several. I have always thought it was a 50/50 chance if they would make it when I bought them. However, this video increases that chance to more like 80/20. Anybody who's ever had one knows how difficult they are to get stabilized in a tank. I only post this video to help with the success right of these fish in the hobby. Hope it works for those.Who needed it

Ha I watched that video on the way home from the store with a copperband that I saw eating mysis. I've got him in QT right now. Unfortunately he hasn't really been eating mysis since I brought him home, just like the video said could happen. Not sure where to get mussels but I did find these live clams for super cheap at GW Marketplace and the copperband does pick at them. Hoping he eats more aggressively once he's done with copper. At that point I'll try the frozen foods inside the clam trick.

I think I got around 8 of these clams for $2.50 or something like that. Been feeding one every day or two. I'm 'storing' them in a plastic bin with room temperature saltwater and they've lived for a over a week already.


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I feel your pain on that one.I did the same thing at first. To make it worse, I made a mistake of putting it straight into my tank. And these fish don't have a desire to eat out of the water column. They want to pick off The Rocks, so even if they were eating in the store out of the water column.
As soon as you get them home and put them somewhere where there's some rocks, they will quit eating out of the water column and start trying to pick stuff off rocks. So I believe it's probably best in some circumstances.The leave of himThe quarantine tank until they start eating out of the water colum. What's worth best for me? So far is the live muscles. You can get those and most of them, food markets.
Ha I watched that video on the way home from the store with a copperband that I saw eating mysis. I've got him in QT right now. Unfortunately he hasn't really been eating mysis since I brought him home, just like the video said could happen. Not sure where to get mussels but I did find these live clams for super cheap at GW Marketplace and the copperband does pick at them. Hoping he eats more aggressively once he's done with copper. At that point I'll try the frozen foods inside the clam trick.

I think I got around 8 of these clams for $2.50 or something like that. Been feeding one every day or two. I'm 'storing' them in a plastic bin with room temperature saltwater and they've lived for a over a week already.
That's awesome. I do know that. Sometimes you have to use a knife to cut them open. Because I'm they will hold themselves closed if something starts to pick on them, but if you're doing that I think you're on the right track keep us updated. I wonder how everything is going and remember, like the video says, try the stuff. Some miles and shrimp inside those clams, so that the fish gets by accident.It's trying to get the clams
Sorry for the crazy messages. My text to speech is absolutely horrible and my phone keeps incorrectly, correcting me when I'm trying to say something.