Sudden PH Drop and Ammonia


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Hi all,
I added a couple pieces of cured slab rock and shifted my sand around a bit while shifting rocks. After that, I noticed two things happened, one is that I had a sudden drop in PH and the other is that when I was testing I noticed 0.25 Ammonia. I never have Ammonia. Nitrite was 0 and nitrate was 4.

When I saw the ammonia, I did a 10% water change and added a Seachem Ammonia Alert and it is showing in the Alert area with level around .05 but it actually just tells me that it is less than 2 ppm which is the next category on it.

I have attached my PH reading from the RKE and you can see the drop. It dropped from 8.15 at 1700 to 7.9 at 1900, which does coincide with the main light shutting off but it doesn't normally drop that much and then started rising again. Then it leveled off at 8.

Everytime I disturb the same bed it starts a mini cycle for me. And by mini cycle I mean, I see a sligh uptick on Ammonia and diatoms in the area that I disturbed, granted the area I mess with is usually a 20" section since my CUC are jerks.
Now that you mention it, there is a diatoms patch in the area that I moved the rock from. I just realized that I didn't add the picture of the PH. Here it is.

Did you do anything or just let it run its course?
just let it runs its course is what I do, your tank is just combating the extra nutrients and junk that got turned up from the move. It will go away in a couple days.