Suggest a fish or 2 for my 120


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We're finally getting our 120 to the point where I'm comfortable adding more fish. Tank is a normal 4'X2'X2' 120 gallon.

Currently has:
  • 2.5" Single Lightning Maroon Clown - won't tolerate her "mate" so not going to chance any other clowns
  • 3" Yellow Coris Wrasse
  • 3" Kole Tang
  • 2 Purple Firefish
  • 1 Blue Chromis (killed his buddies twice so he's on his own and surviving just fine by himself)
  • Various snails and small hermits
  • 1 Pistol Shrimp
  • 1 Tiger Tail Cucumber
  • 1 Serpent Starfish
Don't want anything that is going to outgrow the tank and don't want to start dealing with too much aggression. We do have other tanks - although they are smaller - so I could transplant someone if there were too many problems. We feed frozen food daily except when we are on vacation and then the (cyan causing) pellets are fed using an auto-feeder.

  • More fish - obviously
  • An algae grazer would be nice
  • Fish that won't bother corals
  • Apstasia eating potential? Don't want something that ONLY eats Apstasia though
  • May end up with a clam at some point - I need to be sure that we no longer have any whelk snails in the system. I'm fairly certain they have all been caught and added to the toadfish tank - but I won't feel fully sure for at least a few more months of watching.
Tank is pretty well established - this was stood up last February - most rock and some of the fish were transferred from our 60 gallon that was running for a few years.

Tank has swimming room for just about anything, high flow (2 Gyre 230s, 2 Tunze 6055s and the return is a Syncra SDC 9.0 running at 70%), 2" sand bed.

I'll be moving a 40 breeder into the fish room that will be usable as quarantine. Quarantine tank has been up and running fallow since I moved our Toadfish into his home last March.

Would love to listen to suggestions on good fish and why they would be a good choice - I'd like to add at least 3 - 5 more fish eventually.
Algae eating fish like a purple or yellow tang would be good adds imo. If you do have aptasia issues then add a copperband butterfly before the tangs. Some tangs will assassinate the butterfly if added later... mine did :(
Algae eating fish like a purple or yellow tang would be good adds imo. If you do have aptasia issues then add a copperband butterfly before the tangs. Some tangs will assassinate the butterfly if added later... mine did :(
Those tangs are good candidates for my size tank and with an already established Kole tang?
From my experience, an established bristletooth tang will show plenty of aggression to new bristletooth tangs... but much less so to a filamentous algae eater like the zebrasomas.
i would highly recommend a midas blenny, or any blenny in general but the midas are one of the best looking imo. they're friendly, easy to care for and will scrape bits of algae from the rocks
I am always partial to a few types of wrasses. Usually well behaved as long as they aren't to similar in color. Maybe a leopard or mccoskers. There are like a 1000 kinds....

Agreed some type of goby... Might pair with pistol shrimp

Yellow or purple tang for algae

Foxface would also work for algae

Maybe a pair of anthias (more difficult fish to keep than others)
Those tangs are good candidates for my size tank and with an already established Kole tang?
I had a bristletooth tang in my tank and added a yellow and a sailfin. They all got along just fine. The yellow and the sailfin spatted a little at first, but then they would swim all over with each other.
Midas blenny, Flame Hawk fish, and a few of the smaller anthias. I have carberryi in my 120 and ignitus in my 65, and would recommend either.
Also all kinds of wrasses. I am partial to tamarins, but they are both hard to keep and, unfortunately, hard to find these days. Fairy/Flasher wrasses are cool too.