Suggestions For A Five Gallon Tank


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I have a five gallon nano that I have set up and cycling right now and I am curious to know what you guys would put in it? I mean other than the obvious clean up crew, and awesome corals. :D I would like to have one small very cool looking fish to go into it. What would survive in something this small and be comfortable? Thanks ahead of time! - Amanda
I have always wanted a pair to watch interact. :) What are the different combos, colors and such?
I have a red pistol shrimp that I got with a yellow watchman gobie. I later added a Highfin shrimp gobie and they all live in the same cave. Very cool to watch the gobies - although we almost never see the pistol shrimp.
MrsMojo;181350 wrote: I have a red pistol shrimp that I got with a yellow watchman gobie. I later added a Highfin shrimp gobie and they all live in the same cave. Very cool to watch the gobies - although we almost never see the pistol shrimp.

That sounds so cool! I will do some more research on the requirements of those kind of fish and shrimp.

Has anyone had any luck on keeping Firefish? I have one red firefish that is doing well but would love to get a purple one also. I know they can be territorial (sp?) with thier own kind, but what about different colors?