Suggestions for stocking 55 fish only


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So far I know I want an occy clown pair, a fire fish, and a flame angel. Any ideas as to what else would go well? I like lots of color. Also any suggestions as to the order I should introduce. I have read the flame angel should be the last introduced.
I'd add a Valentini Puffer and/or some kind of wrasse (not a 6-line though).

The flame angel will be the biggest fish and can be semi-aggressive but they aren't that bad.
rdnelson99;775259 wrote: Deffinately a puffer is it is fish only. Love the dogface puffers.

I LOVE the dogface puffers too. But not in a 55. Those guys get HUGE.
I never really checked because I knew I wanted a Reef. But if I was to go fowler it would have to be big enough for one or I wouldn't do it. LOL
firefish are easily bullied and jumpers as well, you will need a completely covered tank

Edit: never had a flame but ive had a coral beauty and loved it, dont know if their temperment is similar or not.
Lots of cool butterflys out there. Auriga is one of my favorites. Never had one just seen a few.