Suggestions Needed


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I currently have a 75 gal. reef tank. The tank consists of 2 large Maxspect razor LED lights, a chiller, sump and a skimmer.

My wife has allocated me $500-1k to either purchase new or upgrade current equipment. I do have a slight problem with alage if that matters but other than that, all is well.

All suggestions are welcome.
Are you wanting to go bigger? First thing is what footprint do you want? GAColt has a SWEET 4' 120 at a great deal!! What skimmer are you running? How inch rock do you have? Are you looking to automate your system with a controller? Reactor to help with phosphates to help with algae??? Lots to look at...

Just my $.02

What skimmer do you have? What's you livestock like? What is your goal for your tank?
My goal is to get this 75 running the right way verses going bigger and having to put low quality gear in it.

My current skimmer is low to moderate quality. Personally I don't like it but it does fit in the sump and skims.

Currently I have 3 small docile fish (cardinal, clown and royal gramma)

I have 16 corals of varying types
Bigger sump, better skimmer, and some nice reactors.
ro/di if you don't already have one.
Post up some picts of what you have. Also how about the dims of the sump and chambers..
Yes sell chiller. Dont need it with leds. Get a larger skimmer, larger sump. Reactors for gfo/carbon and rodi. Or ditto what Heath said lol
If it were me, I'd sell the chiller, get a quality skimmer for about $400-500, get a controller $200-300 with accessories, add a pair of T5s $200, and if you don't have an RODI, get one.
Actually my chiller works constantly so selling it now is really not an option. The cause of the high temps could be my main cheap blue line pump.

Also I already have an older kent HI S water filter. It's sort of no frills but it does rate as 0 on my Tds meter.

What's that thing called that has the water flowing around a light that's placed under the tank? From my understanding its supposed to kill like small harmful organisms in the tank.
PutEmUp;961364 wrote: Actually my chiller works constantly so selling it now is really not an option. The cause of the high temps could be my main cheap blue line pump.

Also I already have an older kent HI S water filter. It's sort of no frills but it does rate as 0 on my Tds meter.

What's that thing called that has the water flowing around a light that's placed under the tank? From my understanding its supposed to kill like small harmful organisms in the tank.

Uv sterilizer
PutEmUp;961364 wrote: Actually my chiller works constantly so selling it now is really not an option. The cause of the high temps could be my main cheap blue line pump.

Also I already have an older kent HI S water filter. It's sort of no frills but it does rate as 0 on my Tds meter.

What's that thing called that has the water flowing around a light that's placed under the tank? From my understanding its supposed to kill like small harmful organisms in the tank.

The bigger the UV the better. The Aqua 40 would be good for you. They are expensive so put a wanted in forum and watch FS for a used one for $200 to $250,
YEP.... Turn down the heater.... Yet again, acontroller would help....
It can't be the heater because my heater is only plugged up for about 3 weeks or so in the winter. It has to be that cheap pump that keeps the temps high.

I was considering a good uv sterilizer, two new power heads and maybe a new main pump. A new skimmer would be great but it has to fit within the sump. The skimmer would be limited to a 12 x 12 inch footprint. There are very few that fit.