Sump baffle glass size


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OK sports fans, what size glass has everyone used in constructing their baffles? I am trying to come up with a removable baffle(s) utilizing weatherstrip at the edges. 1/8" won't work because it flexes and blows out. The reason I want them to be removable/moveable is due to the 150 tall tanks stand being so short and the side of the 40 breeder in the cabinet doesn't allow much clearance between sump and top of cabinet. If the baffles were moveable, then I could take them out and allow some room should I need to work on anything (replace pump in skimmer, etc.). Any thoughts suggestion? Thanks, H
I wouldn't use weather stripping myself. I would cut small pieces of acrylic and silicone them to the sides of the sump forming a guide for the baffles to sit in.

Good idea btw on the removable. May try that if I ever build another sump.

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Rick's is a good idea. I had a sump that had moveable baffles. I used 3/16 or 1/4" (can't remember which it is) cut just a little short to the width of the sump. Then I used filter media cut in strips for the ends. Some water gets by but it sure makes it easy to move the baffles if needed.

porpoiseaquatics;888563 wrote: Rick's is a good idea. I had a sump that had moveable baffles. I used 3/16 or 1/4" (can't remember which it is) cut just a little short to the width of the sump. Then I used filter media cut in strips for the ends. Some water gets by but it sure makes it easy to move the baffles if needed.


I have that sump Porpoise. I have 1/4" glass being cut now w/the top being sanded. The 1/8 plate glass flexed/bowed out of the weather strip 1/4" will not bow hence it will should stay sealed on the weatherstrip. I will let everyone know how it turns out! Will be great if it does if it doesn't, I will silicone it in with a lesson learned! The baffle sizes are 1/4" x 17 1/8 x 10 on the 3 for the bubble trap and 17 1/8 x 11 on the fuge.
1/4" glass or 3/8" lexan is the min thickness i would use. i would want 1/2" min on the stops. this will allow better support for the movable baffles. baffles are mostly to restrict flow anyway so it should be fine. the main one would be where your return pump is.
porpoiseaquatics;888700 wrote: Hutch...did you buy it from somebody else because mine was acrylic or so I thought.

I acquired it when I bought Achastains 150 tall. It's glass w/acrylic baffles and filter floss holding the baffles.