Sump/Fuge Set Up


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So I just decided to ditch the wet dry set up and get a custom sump built by Jeff M. here on the board. I was curious whats the best set up for a first time fuge. :yay:

Tank specs are 72 bow with middle left overflow
(tank will start out as a fowlr but eventually will move to a reef)
Oct recirc 110
Two K4's
Mag 7 return
Considering using a coral life uv sterilizer 9 watt but not sure yet..

So really what im asking, is all i need to set up is a clean up crew, sand (if so what type), a simple light ( whats a cheap light to use) and chaeto? any LR rubble?

Im apologize for posting alot of newbie questions but everyone seems polite and expierenced and i dont want to go through my coral issues that i delt with in my current cube set up with my new tank.

Thanks for all the input.
I think most people would probably tell you to make the fuge as large as will fit in the space you have. This way you don't have to go through constant upgrades and disturb it after it's established. Do a search on the DIY threads....there's a thread there with a link on building/setting up a chambers, spacing, bubble traps etc. Jeff (from what I hear) is well versed and can certainly give you ideas based on your setup/configuration.
I have a 72 bow, same configuration as you. The largest tank I was able to fit in stand was a 20 gal long. Worked out great and have been running for about 9 months. I bought some glass, cut at lowes, and got a tube of silicone and built my sump/refuge. I use a mag 9.5 but a mag 7 will work. Skimmer and heater in sump. I've got my own configuration that works well for me, flow from tank on left with skimmer and ceramic bio stuff and mechanical filtration, bubble trap where I also use for carbon or phosban when needed in filter bag, Center is my fuge with chaeto, live sand some crushed coral and 3rd section is my return with the mag 9.5. Like I said, this configuration works excellent for me and have used this same configuration on other tanks I have.
Thanks for the input guys...
Oldschool could you actually be specific with what you mean on the ceramic bio stuff? you mean ceramic rings?

Also, please clarify, but you put carbon in a filter bag inside the bubble trap?

Its by Fugal a ceramic substrate supposed to be good for biologicals. About 1/2 pieces, 3/8 dia. w/a hole in the center. It's used in Europe and not sure it works but it didn't hurt. In the fuge I do have some LR rubble

The way I have my bubble trap I have about a 2" space between glass baffles that allow me to put a filter bag with carbon in it. I t kind of forces the water to go thru the carbon kind of somewhere between just placing a bag of carbon in the tank and a reactor. I'll try to find some pics or drawings of how I did my sump and PM them to you.
That would be appreciated..thanks again, any other suggestions as far as set ups?
Sand type? rubble? clean up crew?