Sump is nasty


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My sump really just the fuge is starting to get cover with a red/brown something. I have not seen it in the DT yet any ideas is it ok to leave it or should i try to clean it out. Is it ok to have a clean up crew in the fuge?
Thats what the fuge is for to keep all the uglyness out of view. You can put a CUC in the fuge/sump.
Unwanted growth in the fuge could be the sign of an underlying problem. Go ahead and run a PO4 and a NO3 to be sure your organics are building up. Another issue can be if the slime is growing on top of your chaetomorpha. This will block its light, which will slow down the growth, which would only compound an underlying issue of PO4 and NO3.
it seemed to get worse when i put in a new bulb it is one that is for a reptile. it is 25W and 6700k is that too much. how long should i run the light? The box the light came in said it was good for the color of the reptile and for plant growth.
I use 42w(or 46w.. I can't remember) 5000K bulbs in clamp lamps you can get at Lowe's or Home Depot for a few bucks.
Those are the bulbs I'm talking about. I've seen better growth from a 5000k compared to a 6700k, however. But whatever works best for you.
Use the warm light or the yellower light.The lower the Kelvin rating the yellower the light will be.
Ok i am thinking was is going on may be<span style="font-family: Verdana;"><span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="color: #1f125e;"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: Verdana;"><span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="color: #1f125e;"><span style="color: Black;">diatoms, when looking closer my sand is kinda brown and the rock that is in the fuge looks like it has brown bust on it any way to get rid of this or just wait it out. I will try to post some pics later today</span>
I was able to wipe some of it off last night with just a paper towel. If it is diatoms is it normal the tank has been set up for about 2 months now?
I have one or to snails in the fuge right now i hope to add some more soon. It has been there 2-4 days now. I am not seeing it in the DT. would uping the flow through the fuge help some. I know it should be low flow but could i have to low of a flow?
I dont think it does, it was blowing my sand around some so i cut it back now i am thinking i cut it back to much, I have some cheto (sp) in there and it just stays in one place on the bottom so i guess it may not be moving much water near the bottom
I think the light may have some thing to do with it I have had it running for 10-12 hr a day i guess. I am going to start just running it over night.
Ok thanks when i get home i am going to move some snails down there cut the flow and turn the light off give it a few days and see what happens.
yeah I just turned it on when i left the house this morn so i was going to turn it off and then back on when i go to bed.
I saw this on some of my base rock. I dont know if this is good or if it is the same stuff that is in my sump. I am pretty sure it is not coralline. Any Ideas?

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yea brown alage. how much flow is that rock getting if good then that means you have an underlying problem.
That rock may be in a dead spot the flow in the rest of the tank seems to be good nothing setting on the bottom. that rock was just in the DT till some coralline grew on it then it is down to the sump with it. How would i go about cleaning it so i can just move it. I know it will be in good flow in the fuge