Sump opinions/ options


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So I'm getting hesitant on using my "sump." First off, the main thing I'm trying to accomplish by using this sump, or any sump for that matter, is somewhere to put most of my live rock. Think of it as more of a fuge than anything. I want a minimalist look to my display and would like for almost all of my rock to be down below. The reason I decided to use this container is because it's very sturdy, and 34G.

Now the dilemma...

I'm starting to dislike it more and more every time I walk by it. It takes up almost all of the area under the stand, and also has a recessed channel that runs along the bottom of it which is making it very difficult to figure out how to divide the fuge from my equipment.


Would you, scrap it and buy a 20L (or another size tank), use it and give me a really awesome idea on how in the world Im going to divide it, or something else I'm not thinking of?

I really wanted a larger sump than a 20L though...

If it helps, the only equipment that will be in the sump is a return pump (which I COULD plumb externally), a heater, and maybe a Remora HOB skimmer.

I was thinking of just using the entire thing as a fuge and dropping in a smallish plastic trash can to use as a compartment to house the equipment in. Sounds ghetto, but I'm a DIY guy, it'll turn out cool.

Ideas, opinions, concerns.... GO!

FYI, the stand is far from done...

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What's the dimensions your working with down there? How wide, long, & tall?

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I'll measure when I get home.

Edit: The one in question is 18x24 and 18 tall.
32x19¾ is the area I have for a sump to sit in... oh and between approximately 27-32" in head room, depending on if it's narrow enough to sit on the floor between the 2x4 frame... in which case, 17x32 is the area. I hope that is clear... it's late.
One thing I forgot to mention is that the sides of it are just ever so slightly angled. As in its slightly larger at the rim than at its footprint. Not enough to notice until you go trying to separate it with sheets of lexan.... lol
I would put a 20L under there. You will have better access to your equipment with the shorter height.
Butch;933629 wrote: I would put a 20L under there. You will have better access to your equipment with the shorter height.

That or a 29 standard, if you are going to use a HOB skimmer. A lot of the HOB skimmers need more than 12" of tank height to hang on.
Personally I would scrap it and here's why:

1) you'll find that it's to tall to work inside of. This will irritate you to no end and you'll eventually scrap it on your own.

2) this type of plastic is to flexible to hold dividers should you divide it. They will pull apart

3) it takes up almost all of your usable space in the stand. This too will drive frustration

How do you plan to get water to it? I don't see a drilled tank. Are you using an overflow box?

I would either go with the 20L or find a pre-made sump. If you aren't going to have any live rock in your display and want it all down in the sump for filtration.....why not go without live rock altogether? Reduce the space requirements and go with Matrix. A 200 gallon supply of Matrix will take up less than 1 sq ft of space. More available filtration, less space and less cost.

Where is your skimmer going to be? What are you going to use to return water to the tank? All of this takes up space.

Edit: Might consider an in-sump skimmer so you don't have to have such a tall sump.
Oh and I forgot....with this as a would you plan to put water in it for water changes and top offs? There's not enough room and I'm sure you didn't plan on putting that water directly in your tank.

Another reason to go with a 20L.
porpoiseaquatics;933632 wrote: Personally I would scrap it and here's why:

1) you'll find that it's to tall to work inside of. This will irritate you to no end and you'll eventually scrap it on your own.

2) this type of plastic is to flexible to hold dividers should you divide it. They will pull apart

3) it takes up almost all of your usable space in the stand. This too will drive frustration

How do you plan to get water to it? I don't see a drilled tank. Are you using an overflow box?

I would either go with the 20L or find a pre-made sump. If you aren't going to have any live rock in your display and want it all down in the sump for filtration.....why not go without live rock altogether? Reduce the space requirements and go with Matrix. A 200 gallon supply of Matrix will take up less than 1 sq ft of space. More available filtration, less space and less cost.

Where is your skimmer going to be? What are you going to use to return water to the tank? All of this takes up space.

All of you have very good points. Let me see if I can answer all of your questions without leaving anything out.

I have a CPR CS100 for the return to the sump, and a RIO 10HF (660gal@1').

As far as all of the rock being below, I'm going for two nice islands in the display. One medium sized and one smaller.

I was planning on placing the skimmer on the side/back of the sump. It's a Remora C and I've had pretty decent luck with it. Also, I have it, and it's just one less thing to spend more money on.

Water top offs will be done with an Aqua lifter, a float switch or two, and some sort of container... haven't really got to that point. Or I may use an air pump to compress the water container, which would send water to the tank."></a>

This is sorta what I was thinking of if I were to use what I've got.